INN (InterNetNews) for Slackware and Debian Linux ================================================= This is the INN binary distribution for Linux. System requirements: -------------------- - - -> - smail or sendmail mail package Slackware 1.1.2 and possibly Debian, too, are platforms where inn runs without problems. INSTALLATION: ------------- a) Unpack the package with your proper package tools On Slackware Linux this is the utility pkgtool. b) Make sure that your system has a user and group "news" and that you use the same UID and group ID ! /etc/passwd news::9:13:news:/usr/lib/news: | |____ GID 13 ! |_______ UID 9 ! /etc/group news::13:news |______ GID 13 ! c) There must be a mail alias for the user usenet in /usr/lib/aliases, since some scripts want to send mail to ``usenet''. /usr/lib/aliases: news: root usenet: root Rebuild the dbm alias database with the command: # newaliases d) Add the inn startup script ``'' to your system start procedure rc.local (mostly found in /etc or /etc/rc.d: # start inn /usr/lib/news/etc/ e) copy the crontab sample file crontab-news to /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/news and modify it. Change the name of your news backbone. f) Note, that the news LIBDIR is now in /usr/lib/news. Since many newsreader are preconfigured to expect news config files in /usr/local/lib/news you should make a symbolic link # ln -s /usr/lib/news /usr/local/lib/news Possibly you have to remove the directory /usr/local/lib/news first if it already exists from an older cnews installation. g) The News spool directory is /var/spool/news. If you have already news articles on your system, but in a different location, then remove the directory /var/spool/news if it already exists and make a symbolic link to your news spool directory (for example to /news): # ln -s /news /var/spool/news h) Modify the news config files in /usr/lib/news: The entries are from my running system. manlobbi is the news server, knobel - my site - is the news client. You should browse through the following files in /usr/lib/news: expire.ctl hosts.nntp inn.conf moderators newsfeeds nnrp.access nntpsend.ctl passwd.nntp i) create an empty history database and log files :>/usr/lib/news/history :>/usr/lib/news/history.dir :>/usr/lib/news/history.pag :>/usr/lib/news/errlog :>/usr/lib/news/log chmod 664 /usr/lib/news/{history*,log,errlog} chown /usr/lib/news/{history*,log,errlog} j) run the script as root. k) Read the manual page news-recovery(8). It contains information how to recover your news system after upgrading to inn. l) Make sure the your uucp Permission file allows uux to run the scripts rnews or grnews If you have taylor uucp using taylor uucp config style then edit for example the file /etc/uucp/sys .... commands /usr/bin/uucp /bin/rmail /usr/lib/news/rnews /usr/lib/news/grnews m) Examine your /etc/syslog.conf file. The default with Slackware is *.warn /usr/adm/syslog Which causes a syslog entry AND a disk access for every arriving article with unbatched nntp. (One could also use batching :-) I changed mine to *.err /usr/adm/syslog n) Start innd if you haven't already /usr/lib/news/etc/ And finally: PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION ABOUT HOW INN WORKS. It will help you a lot to come from a position of understanding the architecture of INN.