Internet-Draft Reverso for the QUIC protocol September 2024
Rochet Expires 20 March 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
Standards Track
F. Rochet

Reverso for the QUIC protocol


This document describes a QUIC extension re-designing the layout of the QUIC protocol to avoid memory fragmentation at the receiver and allows implementers seeking a more efficient implementation to have the option to implement contiguous zero-copy at the receiver. This document describes the change from QUIC v1 required in packet formats, variable-length integers and frame formats. Everything else from QUIC v1 described in [RFC9000] is untouched.

About This Document

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

Status information for this document may be found at

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Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 20 March 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

QUIC is a general-purpose transport protocol with mandatory encryption leveraged from a TLS 1.3 key exchange. QUIC is specified in [RFC9000], and is the result of several years of efforts from several major companies, independent individuals and academics. One of the main benefits of QUIC is to resist ossification thanks to a two-levels encryption design (header and payload), supporting extensions and modifications of internal QUIC information to resist friction from independent lower layers at deployment time.

However, it is of notoriety that the QUIC design is CPU costly. The root cause of QUIC's high CPU cost isn't unique, and this document addresses one of them: a misalignment between QUIC's protocol specification and encryption usage. Indeed, the QUIC design in [RFC9000] unavoidably fragments Application Data and forces any implementation to perform at least a memory copy to provide a contiguous bytestream abstraction to the upper layer, at the receiver.

This documents suggests slight changes to the QUIC protocol to offer the opportunity for implementers to provide a contiguous zero-copy abstraction at the receiver side, which is otherwise impossible to do from [RFC9000]'s specifications using atomic interfaces from crypgraphy backends. We temporally call this extensions QUIC VReverso. With this extension, frames' content are encoded in reverse ordering and would be processed from right to left at the receiver, instead of the usual left to right as in any protocol.

2. Goals

We aim to change how the QUIC protocol specifies its frames to support contiguous zero-copy. A few more bytes have also to be added within the protected short header. Those changes are however engineered with goals to:

3. Conventions and Definitions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

4. Streams

Stream ID values start at 1. The value 0 is reserved to indicate within the new short header (see Section 6.1) that no stream frame is packed within the payload.

5. Frame Formats

Frames' structure written on the wire are altered in this QUIC version to support backward processing of QUIC packets. With the exception of the ACK frame, all the other frames are straightforward to adapt from [RFC9000]. Essentially, on [RFC9000], each frame begins with a Frame Type followed by additional type-dependent fields, and are represented as this:

Frame {
  Frame Type (i),
  Type-Dependent Fields (..),

This representation follows the implicit rule that what we specify from top to bottom is written and read from left to right on the wire.

If QUIC VReverso is used, frames are reversed. Type-dependent fields appear first (from left to right on the wire), and the frame terminates with the Frame Type. We represent those frames by reversing as well their representation in specifications:

Frame {
  Type-Dependent Fields (..),
  Frame Type (i),

Of course, within an implementation, the relative order of elements within Structs or Objects does not matter, and can stay untouched. Only writing on wire and reading from the wire would be altered.

The choice of order of Type-Dependent Fields only matter to smooth transition and adaptation of existing code handling [RFC9000]'s frame format. Reversing the existing ordering, and not making other changes within the relative order of elements supports straightforward adaptation of existing code. For example, in [RFC9000], the MAX_STREAM_DATA Frame is defined as:

  Type (i) = 0x11,
  Stream ID (i),
  Maximum Stream Data (i),

Which would translate to:

  Maximum Stream Data (i),
  Stream ID (i),
  Type (i) = 0x11,

Other frames are altered with the same reversing logic. It includes reversing internal structures in a given Frame if any, such as the ACK Frame.

5.1. Ack Frame's details

The Ack Frame is reversed as well, but requires further changes on the ACK Range's specification and ECN Counts. The goal is to guarantee no change in processing logic of a ACK Frame, and minimal change to existing code. We have for this proposal the ACK Frame reversed:

ACK Frame {
  [ECN Counts (..)],
  ACK Range (..) ...,
  First ACK Range (i),
  ACK Range Count (i),
  ACK Dealy (i),
  Largest Acknowledged (i),
  Type (i)  = 0x02..0x03,

Where the ACK Range contains ranges of packets that are alternately not acknowledged (Gap) and acknowledged (ACK Range). All other fields are untouched, only their order on the wire is modifierd.

5.1.1. Reversed ACK Ranges

In [RFC9000], each ACK Range consists of alternating Gap and ACK Range Length values in descending packet number order as appearing on the wire. The ranges in [RFC9000] contain the information in reversed ordering, starting from the largest acknowledged packets. In this proposal, to accommodate backward processing of the frame and minimal algorithmic changes, the ACK Range consists of alternating ACK Range Length and Gap in ascending packet number order.

ACK Range {
  ACK Range Length (i),
  Gap (i),
Figure 1: ACK Ranges

As explained in [RFC9000], the fields that form each ACK Range are:

ACK Range Length:

A variable-length integer indicating the number of contiguous acknowledged packets preceding the largest packet number, as determined by the last processed Gap.


A variable-length integer indicating the number of contiguous unacknowledged packets preceding the packet number one lower than the smallest in the last processed ACK Range.

Since ACK Range Length and Gap are defined as relative integer; to keep efficient processing, and unchanged algorithmic compared to [RFC9000], each ACK Range describes progressively lower-numbered packets while being processed backwards. However, on the wire, from left to right, each ACK Range describes progressively higher-numbered packets.

Therefore, while processing this information backwards, and given the largest packet number for the current range, the smallest value is determined by the following formula (like [RFC9000]):

   smallest = largest - ack_range

Where the largest value for an ACK Range is determined by cumulatively subtracting the size of all preceding ACK Range Lengths and Gaps. The first largest value is obtained with the ACK Frame's Largest Acknowledged field. Subsequent largest for each Ack Range is then computed similarly to [RFC9000]:

   largest = previous_smallest - gap - 2

5.1.2. Reversed ECN Counts

The ACK frame uses the least significant bit of the type value to indicate ECN feedback. The ECN Counts order is reversed compared to [RFC9000] to support minimal change to processing logic in existing implementations while being processed backwards (i.e., the order of processed elements stays the same).

ECN Counts {
  ECN-CE Count (i),
  ECT1 Count (i),
  ECT0 Count (i),
Figure 2: ECN Count Format

6. Packet Formats

For implementers to take advantage of Reverso, we require to know the Stream ID of any stream frame within the payload, and the data offset. These two integers are added in the QUIC short header and protected with the mask.

6.1. Header Protection

Header of 1-RTT short header packets is extended to add at most 8 bytes of information, requiring a 13-bytes mask. Application of the mask follows the same procedure as specified in [RFC9001], as a minimum of 16 bytes are currently available from the current header protection algorithms.

1-RTT Packet {
  Header Form (1) = 0,
  Fixed Bit (1) = 1,
  Spin Bit (1),
  Reserved Bits (2),         # Protected
  Key Phase (1),             # Protected
  Packet Number Length (2),  # Protected
  Destination Connection ID (0..160),
  Packet Number (8..32),     # Protected
  Stream ID (8..32)          # Protected
  Offset (8..32)             # Protected
  Protected Payload (0..24), # Skipped Part
  Protected Payload (128),   # Sampled Part
  Protected Payload (..),    # Remainder

The 1-RTT packets has the following modifications from QUIC v1:

  • Packet Number: The Packet Number field is 1 to 4 bytes long with the least significant two bits of the last byte containing the length of the Stream ID. This length is encoded as an unsigned two-bit integer that is one less than the length of the Stream ID field in bytes. This is field is protected using [RFC9001]'s mask up to consume 5 bytes (including the header's first byte) from the minimum guaranteed 16 bytes in total.

  • Stream ID: The Stream ID field is 1 to 4 bytes long with the least significant two bits of the last byte containing the length of the Offset. This is length is encoded as an unsigned two-bit integer that is one less than the length of the Offset field in bytes. A 1-byte value of 0 for the this field is reserved to indicate that the encrypted payload does not contain any Stream frame. This field is protected using [RFC9001]'s mask, up to consume 9 bytes from the minimum guaranteed 16 bytes in total.

  • Offset: The Offset field is 1 to 4 bytes long, and encodes a value based on the knowledge of the maximum acknowledged offset, similarly to the Packet Number field encoding a value based on the maximum acknowledged packet number. On the receiver, the decoding procedure is similar to decoding packet numbers. This field is protected using [RFC9001]'s mask, up to consume 13 bytes from the minimum guaranteed 16 bytes in total.

6.2. Frame ordering

In Reverso, a Stream Frame, if any, MUST be the first frame within the payload. The Stream frame can be followed by any number of control frames up to the packet boundary. Any other Stream frame SHOULD NOT be added within the same QUIC packet.

7. Variable-Length Integer Encoding

QUIC v1 uses variable-length encoding for non-negative integer values to encode fewer bytes on the wire than usual host representations. In QUIC v1 the encoding reserves the two most significant bits of the first byte, and encode the integer in the remaining bits, in network byte order. In this version, we encode the length in the two least significant bits of the last byte to accommodate processing the information by rewinding the buffer. The remaining bits encode the integer value in network byte order.

Table 1: Summary of Integer Encodings with Reverso
2LSB Length Usable Bits Range
00 1 6 0-63
01 2 14 0-16383
10 4 30 0-1073741823
11 8 62 0-4611686018427387903

8. Packing frames

To take advantage of backward processing of QUIC VReverso packets, some constraints SHOULD be respected. The order and number of data chunks within a single encryption matters. The Stream frame if any MUST be the first element within the encrypted payload, followed by any number of control frames, up to the packet boundary. We SHOULD pack a single Stream frame per encryption. More than one would force an unavoidable memory copy of all but the first Stream frame within a packet.

Lost frames being resubmitted SHOULD be packed within their own packet, and other control frames SHOULD not be multiplexed with retransmissions. This allows for spurious retransmissions that have been already processed but not acknowledged fast enough to not require the two-levels decryption. Only header decryption and information contained within the QUIC VReverso short header would be enough to decide whether the packet payload should be decrypted, or could be dropped before payload decryption is attempted.

9. References

9.1. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.

9.2. Informative References

Iyengar, J., Ed. and M. Thomson, Ed., "QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport", RFC 9000, DOI 10.17487/RFC9000, , <>.
Thomson, M., Ed. and S. Turner, Ed., "Using TLS to Secure QUIC", RFC 9001, DOI 10.17487/RFC9001, , <>.


TODO acknowledge.

Author's Address

Florentin Rochet