jose J. Miller Internet-Draft Ping Identity Intended status: Standards Track M. Jones Expires: 20 March 2025 Self-Issued Consulting D. Waite Ping Identity 16 September 2024 JSON Proof Algorithms draft-ietf-jose-json-proof-algorithms-06 Abstract The JSON Proof Algorithms (JPA) specification registers cryptographic algorithms and identifiers to be used with the JSON Web Proof and JSON Web Key (JWK) specifications. It defines IANA registries for these identifiers. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 20 March 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 1] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5. Algorithm Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5.1. Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.2. Confirm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.3. Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.4. Verify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6. Algorithm Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.1. Single Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.1.1. JWS Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6.1.2. Holder Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.1.3. Issuer Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.1.4. Signing payloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.1.5. Issuer Protected Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.1.6. Payloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.1.7. Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6.1.8. Presentation Protected Header . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6.1.9. Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6.1.10. Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.1.11. JPA Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2. BBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2.1. JPA Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.2.2. Key Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2.3. Issuance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2.4. Issuance Proof Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2.5. Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.2.6. Presentation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6.3. Message Authentication Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6.3.1. Holder Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6.3.2. Issuer Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6.3.3. Issuer Protected Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6.3.4. Combined MAC Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.3.5. Issuer Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.3.6. Presentation Protected Header . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.3.7. Presentation Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 2] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.3.8. Verification of the Presentation Proof . . . . . . . 14 6.3.9. JPA Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 8.1. JSON Web Proof Algorithms Registry . . . . . . . . . . . 16 8.1.1. Registration Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 8.1.2. Initial Registry Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8.2. JSON Web Proof Header Parameters Registration . . . . . . 21 8.2.1. Registry Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Proof JWK Header Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Presentation JWK Header Parameter . . . . . . . . 21 9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 9.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 9.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Appendix A. Example JWPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 A.1. Example Single-Use JWP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 A.2. Example BBS JWP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 A.3. Example MAC JWP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Appendix B. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Appendix C. Document History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 1. Introduction The JSON Web Proof (JWP) [I-D.ietf-jose-json-web-proof] draft establishes a new secure container format that supports selective disclosure and unlinkability using Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) or other cryptographic algorithms. | Editor's Note: This draft is still early and incomplete. There | will be significant changes to the algorithms as currently defined | here. Please do not use any of these definitions or examples for | anything except personal experimentation and learning. | Contributions and feedback are welcomed at | ietf-wg-jose/json-web-proof ( | web-proof). 2. Conventions and Definitions The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 3] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 The roles of "issuer", "holder", and "verifier" are used as defined by the VC Data Model [VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0]. The term "presentation" is also used as defined by this source, but the term "credential" is avoided in this specification to minimize confusion with other definitions. 3. Terminology The terms "JSON Web Signature (JWS)", "Base64url Encoding", "Header Parameter", "JOSE Header", "JWS Payload", "JWS Signature", and "JWS Protected Header" are defined by [RFC7515]. The terms "JSON Web Proof (JWP)", "JWP Payload", "JWP Proof", and "JWP Protected Header" are defined by [I-D.ietf-jose-json-web-proof]. These terms are defined by this specification: Stable Key: An asymmetric key-pair used by an issuer that is also shared via an out-of-band mechanism to a verifier to validate the signature. Ephemeral Key: An asymmetric key-pair that is generated for one-time use by an issuer and never stored or used again outside of the creation of a single JWP. Presentation Key: An asymmetric key-pair that is generated by a holder and used to ensure that a presentation is not able to be replayed by any other party. 4. Background JWP defines a container binding together a protected header, one or more payloads, and a cryptographic proof. It does not define any details about the interactions between an application and the cryptographic libraries that implement proof-supporting algorithms. Due to the nature of ZKPs, this specification also documents the subtle but important differences in proof algorithms versus those defined by the JSON Web Algorithms [RFC7518]. These differences help support more advanced capabilities such as blinded signatures and predicate proofs. 5. Algorithm Basics The four principal interactions that every proof algorithm MUST support are [issue](#issue), [confirm](#confirm), [present](#present), and [verify](#verify). Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 4] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 5.1. Issue The JWP is first created as the output of a JPA's issue operation. Every algorithm MUST support a JSON issuer protected header along with one or more octet string payloads. The algorithm MAY support using additional items provided by the holder for issuance such as blinded payloads, keys for replay prevention, etc. All algorithms MUST provide integrity protection for the issuer header and all payloads and MUST specify all digest and/or hash2curve methods used. 5.2. Confirm Performed by the holder to validate that the issued JWP is correctly formed and protected. Each algorithm MAY support using additional input items options, such as those sent to the issuer for issuance. After confirmation, an algorithm MAY return a modified JWP for serialized storage without the local state (such as with blinded payloads now unblinded). The algorithm MUST fully verify the issued proof value against the issuer protected header and all payloads. If given a presented JWP instead of an issued one, the confirm process MUST return an error. 5.3. Present Used to apply any selective disclosure choices and perform any unlinkability transformations, as well as to show binding. An algorithm MAY support additional input options from the requesting party, such as for predicate proofs and verifiable computation requests. Every algorithm MUST support the ability to hide any or all payloads. It MUST always include the issuer protected header unmodified in the presentation. The algorithm MUST replace the issued proof value and generate a new presented proof value. It also MUST include a new presentation protected header that provides replay protection. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 5] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 5.4. Verify Performed by the verifier to verify the protected headers along with any disclosed payloads and/or assertions about them from the proving party, while also verifying they are the same payloads and ordering as witnessed by the issuer. The algorithm MUST verify the integrity of all disclosed payloads and MUST also verify the integrity of both the issuer and presentation protected headers. If the presented proof contains any assertions about the hidden payloads, the algorithm MUST also verify all of those assertions. It MAY support additional options, such as those sent to the holder to generate the presentation. If given an issued JWP for verification, the algorithm MUST return an error. 6. Algorithm Specifications This section defines how to use specific algorithms for JWPs. 6.1. Single Use The Single Use (SU) algorithm is based on composing multiple traditional asymmetric signatures into a single JWP proof. It enables a very simple form of selective disclosure without requiring any advanced cryptographic techniques. It does not support unlinkability if the same JWP is presented multiple times, therefore when privacy is required the holder will need to interact with the issuer again to receive new single-use JWPs (dynamically or in batches). 6.1.1. JWS Algorithm The Single Use algorithm is based on using multiple signatures to cover the individual payloads, all of which are generated with the same Asymmetric JSON Web Algorithm (JWA). The internal signing algorithm to use is part of the registration for a new Single Use algorithm identifier. The chosen JWA MUST be an asymmetric signing algorithm so that each signature can be verified without sharing any private values between the parties. This ensures that the verifier cannot brute force any non-disclosed payloads based only on their disclosed individual signatures. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 6] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.1.2. Holder Setup In order to support the protection of a presentation by a holder to a verifier, the holder MUST use a Presentation Key during the issuance and the presentation of every Single Use JWP. This Presentation Key MUST be generated and used for only one JWP. The issuer MUST verify that the holder has possession of this key. The holder-issuer communication to exchange this information is out of scope of this specification, but can be accomplished by the holder using this key to generate a JWS that signs a value the issuer can verify as unique. 6.1.3. Issuer Setup To create a Single Use JWP, the issuer first generates a unique Ephemeral Key using the selected internal algorithm. This key-pair will be used to sign each of the payloads of a single JWP and then discarded. 6.1.4. Signing payloads Each individual payload is signed using the selected internal algorithm using the Ephemeral Key. 6.1.5. Issuer Protected Header The JWK of the issuer's Ephemeral Key MUST be included in the issuer protected header with the property name of proof_jwk and contain only the REQUIRED values to represent the public key. The holder's Presentation Key JWK MUST be included in issuer protected header using the presentation_jwk parameter. The issuer protected header is signed using the given JWA and the issuer's Stable Key. 6.1.6. Payloads Each JWP payload is processed in order and signed using the given JWA using the issuer's Ephemeral Key. 6.1.7. Proof The proof value is an octet string array. The first entry is the octet string of the issuer protected header signature, with an additional entry for each payload signature. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 7] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.1.8. Presentation Protected Header To generate a new presentation, the holder first creates a presentation protected header that is specific to the verifier being presented to. This header MUST contain a parameter that both the holder and verifier trust as being unique and non-replayable. Use of the nonce header parameter is RECOMMENDED for this purpose. This specification registers the nonce header parameter for the presentation protected header that contains a string value either generated by the verifier or derived from values provided by the verifier. When present, the verifier MUST ensure the nonce value matches during verification. The presentation protected header MAY contain other header parameters that are either provided by the verifier or by the holder. These presentation header parameters SHOULD NOT contain values that are common across multiple presentations and SHOULD be unique to a single presentation and verifier. 6.1.9. Presentation | Editor's Note: The current definition here is incomplete, the | holder's signature needs to also incorporate the presented proof. The holder derives a new proof as part of presentation. The presented proof value will always contain the issuer's Stable Key signature for the issuer protected header as the first element. The second element of the presented proof is the holder's signature of the presentation protected header using the holder's presentation key. This signature is constructed using the same algorithm described in generating the issuer's signature over the issuer protected header. Signing only the presentation header with the Presentation Key is sufficient to protect the entire presentation since that key is private to the holder and only the contents of the presentation header are used for replay prevention. For each payload which is to be disclosed, the corresponding payload signature (from the issued JWP) is included in the proof. If a payload is omitted from the presented JWP, the signature value will NOT be includeed, and the presentation proof will have one less part. For example, if the second and fifth of five payloads are not disclosed, then the holder's derived proof would consist of the issuer's signature over the issuer protected header, the holder's signature over the holder's protected header, the ephemeral key signature over the first, third and fourth payloads. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 8] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 Since the individual signatures in the proof value are unique and remain unchanged across multiple presentations, a Single Use JWP SHOULD only be presented a single time to each verifier in order for the holder to remain unlinkable across multiple presentations. 6.1.10. Verification The verifier MUST verify the issuer protected header octets against the first part in the proof using the issuer's Stable Key. It MUST also verify the presentation protected header octets against the second part in the proof value using the holder's Presentation Key, as provided in the presentation_jwk claim in the issuer protected header. With the headers verified, the issuer's Ephemeral Key as given in the issuer protected header proof_jwk parameter can then be used to verify each of the disclosed payload signatures. 6.1.11. JPA Registration The proposed JWP alg value is of the format "SU-" appended with the relevant JWS alg value for the chosen public and ephemeral key-pair algorithm, for example "SU-ES256". 6.2. BBS The BBS Signature Scheme [I-D.irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures] is under active development within the CRFG. This algorithm supports both selective disclosure and unlinkability, enabling the holder to generate multiple presentations from one issued JWP without a verifier being able to correlate those presentations together based on the proof. 6.2.1. JPA Algorithms The BBS alg parameter value in the issuance protected header corresponds to a ciphersuite identifier of BBS_BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA- 256_SSWU_RO_. The BBS-PROOF alg parameter value in the presentation protected header corresponds to the same ciphersuite, but used in presentation form. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 9] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.2.2. Key Format The key used for the BBS algorithm is an elliptic curve-based key pair, specifically against the G_2 subgroup of a pairing friendly curve. Additional details on key generation can be found in Section 3.4 The JWK form of this key is an OKP type with a curve of BLS12381G2, with x being the base64url-encoded form of the output of point_to_octets_E2. The use of this curve is described in [I-D.ietf-cose-bls-key-representations]. There is no additional holder key necessary for presentation proofs. 6.2.3. Issuance Issuance is performed using the Sign operation from Section 3.5.1 of [I-D.irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures]. This operation utilizes the issuer's BLS12-381 G2 key pair as SK and PK, along with desired protected header and payloads as the octets header and the octets array messages. The octets resulting from this operation form a single octet string in the issuance proof array, to be used along with the protected header and payloads to serialize the JWP. 6.2.4. Issuance Proof Verification Holder verification of the signature on issuance form is performed using the Verify operation from Section 3.5.2 of [I-D.irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures]. This operation utilizes the issuer's public key as PK, the proof as signature, the protected header octets as header and the array of payload octets as messages. 6.2.5. Presentation Derivation of a presentation is done by the holder using the ProofGen operation from Section 3.5.3 of [I-D.irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures]. This operation utilizes the issuer's public key as PK, the issuer protected header as header, the issuance proof as signature, the issuance payloads as messages, and the holder's presentation protected header as ph. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 10] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 The operation also takes a vector of indexes into messages, describing which payloads the holder wishes to disclose. All payloads are required for proof generation, but only these indicated payloads will be required to be disclosed for later proof verification. The output of this operation is the presentation proof, as a single octet string. Presentation serialization leverages the two protected headers and presentation proof, along with the disclosed payloads. Non-disclosed payloads are represented with the absent value of null in JSON serialization and a zero-length string in compact serialization. 6.2.6. Presentation Verification Verification of a presentation is done by the verifier using the ProofVerify operation from Section 3.5.4. This operation utilizes the issuer's public key as PK, the issuer protected header as header, the issuance proof as signature, the holder's presentation protected header as ph, and the payloads as disclosed_messages. In addition, the disclosed_indexes scalar array is calculated from the payloads provided. Values disclosed in the presented payloads have a zero-based index in this array, while the indices of absent payloads are omitted. 6.3. Message Authentication Code The Message Authentication Code (MAC) JPA uses a MAC to both generate ephemeral keys and compute authentication codes to protect the issuer header and each payload individually. Like the the Single Use algorithm family, it also does not support unlinkability if the same JWP is presented multiple times. and requires an individually issued JWP for each presentation in order to fully protect privacy. When compared to the JWS approach, using a MAC requires less computation but can result in potentially larger presentation proof values. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 11] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 The design is intentionally minimal and only involves using a single standardized MAC method instead of a mix of MAC/hash methods or a custom hash-based construct. It is able to use any published cryptographic MAC method such as HMAC [RFC2104] or KMAC ( NIST.SP.800-185.pdf). It uses traditional public-key based signatures to verify the authenticity of the issuer and holder. 6.3.1. Holder Setup Prior to the issuer creating a new JWP, it must have presentation binding information provided by the holder. This enables the holder to perform replay prevention while presenting the JWP. The presentation key used by the holder must be transferred to the issuer and verified, likely through a challenge and self-signing mechanism. If the holder requires unlinkability, it must also generate a new key that is verified and bound to each new JWP. How these holder presentation keys are transferred and verified is out of scope of this specification. Protocols such as OpenID Connect can be used to accomplish this. What is required by this definition is that the holder's presentation key MUST be included in the issuer's protected header using the presentation_jwk parameter with a JWK as the value. 6.3.2. Issuer Setup To use the MAC algorithm, the issuer must have a stable public key pair to perform signing. To start the issuance process, a single 32-byte random Shared Secret must first be generated. This value will be shared privately to the holder as part of the issuer's JWP proof value. The Shared Secret is used by both the issuer and holder as the MAC method's key to generate a new set of unique ephemeral keys. These keys are then used as the input to generate a MAC that protects each payload. 6.3.3. Issuer Protected Header The holder's presentation key JWK MUST be included in the issuer protected header using the presentation_jwk parameter. The issuer MUST validate that the holder has possession of this key through a trusted mechanism such as verifying the signature of a unique nonce value from the holder. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 12] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.3.4. Combined MAC Representation The combined MAC representation is a single octet string representing the MAC values of the issuer protected header, along with each payload provided by the issuer. This representation is signed by the issuer, but not shared - parties will recreate this octet string and verify the signature to verify the integrity of supplied issuer protected header and the integrity of any disclosed payloads. The issuer protected header is included in this value as a MAC created using the fixed key "issuer_header" in UTF-8 encoded octets. The value is the issuer header JSON as a UTF-8 encoded octet string. A unique key is generated for each payload using a MAC, with the Shared Secret as the key and a value of "payload_X" as UTF-8 encoded octets, where "X" is replaced by the zero-based array index of the payload, for example "payload_0", "payload_1", etc. Each payload then itself has a corresponding MAC, using the above per-payload key and the payload octet string. The combined MAC representation is the octet string formed by the the concatentation of the issuer protected header MAC output, along with each payload MAC output. 6.3.5. Issuer Proof The issuer proof consists of two octet strings. The first octet string is the issuer signature over the combined MAC representation. The issuer signs the JWS using its stable public key, and a fixed header containing the alg associated with signing algorithm in use. jws_header = '{"alg":"ES256"}' The signature value of the JWS is extracted and base64url-decoded into an octet string. The second octet string is the Shared Secret used to generate the per-payload keys for the combined representation. 6.3.6. Presentation Protected Header See the JWS Presentation Protected Header (#presentation-protected- header) section. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 13] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.3.7. Presentation Proof | Editor's Note: The current definition here is incomplete, the | holder's signature needs to also incorporate the presented proof. The first value in the presentation proof is the presentation signature. This is a signature over the presentation protected header, using the key specified by the presentation_jwk parameter in the issuer protected header. The second value is the issuer signature over the Combined MAC Representation provided with the issued form. The remaining values are used by the verifier to reconstruct the combined MAC representation without access to the Shared Secret. There is one value corresponding to each payload, whether it has been disclosed or not. If a payload is disclosed, the unique per-payload key derived from the shared secret is used as the payload's entry in the proof array. If a payload is not disclosed, the payload's MAC in the combined MAC representation is used as the payload's entry in the proof array. 6.3.8. Verification of the Presentation Proof The verifier must recreate the Combined MAC Representation from the presentation proof to verify integrity over the disclosed information. The issuer protected header MAC is recreated using the same mechanism described above. For each payload in the presentation: * If the payload is disclosed, then the presentation proof contains the unique per-payload key. The corresponding payload MAC can be computed by performing the MAC operation with this key and the corresponding payload. * If the payload is not disclosed, then the presentation proof contains the payload MAC, which can be used directly The concatenation of the octets of the issuer protected header MAC and each payload MAC forms the Combined MAC Representation. The issuer signature in the proof is then verified by converting these values to a JWS as described above, and verifying that JWS. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 14] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 6.3.9. JPA Registration Proposed JWP alg value is of the format "MAC-" appended with a unique identifier for the set of MAC and signing algorithms used. Below are the initial registrations: * MAC-H256 uses HMAC SHA-256 as the MAC and ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256 for the signatures * MAC-H384 uses HMAC SHA-384 as the MAC and ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384 for the signatures * MAC-H512 uses HMAC SHA-512 as the MAC and ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512 for the signatures * MAC-K25519 uses KMAC SHAKE128 as the MAC and EdDSA using Curve25519 for the signatures * MAC-K448 uses KMAC SHAKE256 as the MAC and EdDSA using Curve448 for the signatures * MAC-H256K uses HMAC SHA-256 as the MAC and ECDSA using secp256k1 and SHA-256 for the signatures 7. Security Considerations | Editor's Note: This will follow once the algorithms defined here | have become more stable. * Data minimization of the proof value * Unlinkability of the protected header contents 8. IANA Considerations The following registration procedure is used for all the registries established by this specification. Values are registered on a Specification Required [RFC5226] basis after a three-week review period on the mailing list, on the advice of one or more Designated Experts. However, to allow for the allocation of values prior to publication, the Designated Experts may approve registration once they are satisfied that such a specification will be published. Registration requests sent to the mailing list for review should use an appropriate subject (e.g., "Request to register JWP algorithm: example"). Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 15] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 Within the review period, the Designated Experts will either approve or deny the registration request, communicating this decision to the review list and IANA. Denials should include an explanation and, if applicable, suggestions as to how to make the request successful. Registration requests that are undetermined for a period longer than 21 days can be brought to the IESG's attention (using the mailing list) for resolution. Criteria that should be applied by the Designated Experts include determining whether the proposed registration duplicates existing functionality, whether it is likely to be of general applicability or useful only for a single application, and whether the registration description is clear. IANA must only accept registry updates from the Designated Experts and should direct all requests for registration to the review mailing list. It is suggested that multiple Designated Experts be appointed who are able to represent the perspectives of different applications using this specification, in order to enable broadly informed review of registration decisions. In cases where a registration decision could be perceived as creating a conflict of interest for a particular Expert, that Expert should defer to the judgment of the other Experts. 8.1. JSON Web Proof Algorithms Registry This specification establishes the IANA "JSON Web Proof Algorithms" registry for values of the JWP alg (algorithm) parameter in JWP Header Parameters. The registry records the algorithm name, the algorithm description, the algorithm usage locations, the implementation requirements, the change controller, and a reference to the specification that defines it. The same algorithm name can be registered multiple times, provided that the sets of usage locations are disjoint. It is suggested that the length of the key be included in the algorithm name when multiple variations of algorithms are being registered that use keys of different lengths and the key lengths for each need to be fixed (for instance, because they will be created by key derivation functions). This allows readers of the JSON text to more easily make security decisions. The Designated Experts should perform reasonable due diligence that algorithms being registered either are currently considered cryptographically credible or are being registered as Deprecated or Prohibited. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 16] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 The implementation requirements of an algorithm may be changed over time as the cryptographic landscape evolves, for instance, to change the status of an algorithm to Deprecated or to change the status of an algorithm from Optional to Recommended+ or Required. Changes of implementation requirements are only permitted on a Specification Required basis after review by the Designated Experts, with the new specification defining the revised implementation requirements level. 8.1.1. Registration Template * Algorithm Name: The name requested (e.g., "SU-ES256"). This name is a case-sensitive ASCII string. Names may not match other registered names in a case-insensitive manner unless the Designated Experts state that there is a compelling reason to allow an exception. * Algorithm Description: Brief description of the algorithm (e.g., "Single-Use JWP using ES256"). * Algorithm Usage Location(s): The algorithm usage locations, which should be one or more of the values Issued or Presented. Other values may be used with the approval of a Designated Expert. * JWP Implementation Requirements: The algorithm implementation requirements for JWP, which must be one the words Required, Recommended, Optional, Deprecated, or Prohibited. Optionally, the word can be followed by a "+" or "-". The use of "+" indicates that the requirement strength is likely to be increased in a future version of the specification. The use of "-" indicates that the requirement strength is likely to be decreased in a future version of the specification. Any identifiers registered for non-authenticated encryption algorithms or other algorithms that are otherwise unsuitable for direct use as JWP algorithms must be registered as "Prohibited". * Change Controller: For Standards Track RFCs, list the "IETF". For others, give the name of the responsible party. Other details (e.g., postal address, email address, home page URI) may also be included. * Specification Document(s): Reference to the document or documents that specify the parameter, preferably including URIs that can be used to retrieve copies of the documents. An indication of the relevant sections may also be included but is not required. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 17] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): References to a publication or publications in well-known cryptographic conferences, by national standards bodies, or by other authoritative sources analyzing the cryptographic soundness of the algorithm to be registered. The Designated Experts may require convincing evidence of the cryptographic soundness of a new algorithm to be provided with the registration request unless the algorithm is being registered as Deprecated or Prohibited. Having gone through working group and IETF review, the initial registrations made by this document are exempt from the need to provide this information. 8.1.2. Initial Registry Contents * Algorithm Name: SU-ES256 * Algorithm Description: Single-Use JWP using ES256 * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Recommended * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.1.11 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: SU-ES384 * Algorithm Description: Single-Use JWP using ES384 * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.1.11 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: SU-ES512 * Algorithm Description: Single-Use JWP using ES512 * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 18] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.1.11 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: BBS * Algorithm Description: Corresponds to a ciphersuite identifier of BBS_BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_H2G_HM2S_ * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued * JWP Implementation Requirements: Required * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.2.1 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: BBS-PROOF * Algorithm Description: Corresponds to a ciphersuite identifier of BBS_BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_H2G_HM2S_ * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Required * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.2.1 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: MAC-H256 * Algorithm Description: MAC-H256 uses HMAC SHA-256 as the MAC and ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256 for the signatures * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.3.9 of this specification Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 19] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: MAC-H384 * Algorithm Description: MAC-H384 uses HMAC SHA-384 as the MAC and ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384 for the signatures * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.3.9 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: MAC-H512 * Algorithm Description: MAC-H512 uses HMAC SHA-512 as the MAC and ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512 for the signatures * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.3.9 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: MAC-K25519 * Algorithm Description: MAC-K25519 uses KMAC SHAKE128 as the MAC and EdDSA using Curve25519 for the signatures * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.3.9 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: MAC-K448 Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 20] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Algorithm Description: MAC-K448 uses KMAC SHAKE256 as the MAC and EdDSA using Curve448 for the signatures * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.3.9 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a * Algorithm Name: MAC-H256K * Algorithm Description: MAC-H256K uses HMAC SHA-256 as the MAC and ECDSA using secp256k1 and SHA-256 for the signatures * Algorithm Usage Location(s): Issued, Presented * JWP Implementation Requirements: Optional * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.3.9 of this specification * Algorithm Analysis Documents(s): n/a 8.2. JSON Web Proof Header Parameters Registration This section registers the following JWP Header Parameters in the IANA "JSON Web Proof Header Parameters" registry established by [I-D.ietf-jose-json-web-proof]. 8.2.1. Registry Contents Proof JWK Header Parameter * Header Parameter Name: proof_jwk * Header Parameter Description: Issuer's Ephemeral Key * Header Parameter Usage Location(s): Issued * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.1.5 of this specification Presentation JWK Header Parameter * Header Parameter Name: presentation_jwk * Header Parameter Description: Holder's Presentation Key Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 21] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Header Parameter Usage Location(s): Issued * Change Controller: IETF * Specification Document(s): Section 6.1.5 of this specification 9. References 9.1. Normative References [I-D.ietf-cose-bls-key-representations] Looker, T. and M. B. Jones, "Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations for JOSE and COSE", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-cose-bls-key- representations-05, 17 March 2024, . [I-D.ietf-jose-json-web-proof] Miller, J., Waite, D., and M. B. Jones, "JSON Web Proof", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-jose-json- web-proof-05, 22 July 2024, . [I-D.irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures] Looker, T., Kalos, V., Whitehead, A., and M. Lodder, "The BBS Signature Scheme", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures-06, 26 June 2024, . 9.2. Informative References [RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed- Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, DOI 10.17487/RFC2104, February 1997, . [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC5226] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 5226, DOI 10.17487/RFC5226, May 2008, . Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 22] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 [RFC7515] Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Signature (JWS)", RFC 7515, DOI 10.17487/RFC7515, May 2015, . [RFC7518] Jones, M., "JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)", RFC 7518, DOI 10.17487/RFC7518, May 2015, . [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . [VC-DATA-MODEL-2.0] Sporny, M., Jr, T. T., Herman, I., Jones, M. B., and G. Cohen, "Verifiable Credentials Data Model 2.0", 27 December 2023, . Appendix A. Example JWPs The following examples use algorithms defined in JSON Proof Algorithms and also contain the keys used, so that implementations can validate these samples. A.1. Example Single-Use JWP This example uses the Single-Use Algorithm as defined in JSON Proof Algorithms to create a JSON Proof Token. It demonstrates how to apply selective disclosure using an array of traditional JWS-based signatures. Unlinkability is only achieved by using each JWP one time, as multiple uses are inherently linkable via the traditional ECDSA signature embedded in the proof. To begin, we need two asymmetric keys for Single Use: one that represents the JPT Issuer's stable key and the other is an ephemeral key generated by the Issuer just for this JWP. This is the Issuer's stable private key used in this example in the JWK format: { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "HYkf2wibTcxmXoxcovcpvzYPck0Mjr6NzA4Zw-lx7_w", "y": "V_Khe98r7vT-xrKs-FjAvF0ZwXQNwK8I4HezU4ezfno", "d": "FlbT2yD2fYY_JDPbM07QY_Cf1wP2vk4WJNq25Wmh6og" } Figure 1: Issuer Private Key (es256) Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 23] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 This is the ephemeral private key used in this example in the JWK format: { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "aGd1dSXi6mB_Cqz6_HNAh5c9UNTKx3wTAPRUi1rsUao", "y": "h4xFFpYCRhXVvIbfDsGMoj6ExfZ-XEjomGKvL7gueds", "d": "usOy1hSmELO3JEFkH_hiwwSQYkBVrAEH-k-Odt_SpLE" } Figure 2: Issuer Ephemeral Private Key (es256) This is the Holder's presentation private key used in this example in the JWK format: { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "6vTpkF9UHr859zRgm4nrMIqFWakAGebLpWPNLMar8kg", "y": "9a2BaDtSVFq6Uv0XDd-xZF6IEpY7RSlCfugb4Ug-R9I", "d": "tJ0q-HUXg3vqAMl88whIhqoeetZmirKblO8A2g86_ds" } Figure 3: Holder Presentation Private Key The JWP Protected Header declares that the data structure is a JPT and the JWP Proof Input is secured using the Single-Use ECDSA algorithm with the P-256 curve and SHA-256 digest. It also includes the ephemeral public key, the Holder's presentation public key and list of claims used for this JPT. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 24] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "alg": "SU-ES256", "typ": "JPT", "iss": "https://issuer.example", "claims": [ "iat", "exp", "family_name", "given_name", "email", "address", "age_over_21" ], "proof_jwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "aGd1dSXi6mB_Cqz6_HNAh5c9UNTKx3wTAPRUi1rsUao", "y": "h4xFFpYCRhXVvIbfDsGMoj6ExfZ-XEjomGKvL7gueds", "d": "usOy1hSmELO3JEFkH_hiwwSQYkBVrAEH-k-Odt_SpLE" }, "presentation_jwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "6vTpkF9UHr859zRgm4nrMIqFWakAGebLpWPNLMar8kg", "y": "9a2BaDtSVFq6Uv0XDd-xZF6IEpY7RSlCfugb4Ug-R9I", "d": "tJ0q-HUXg3vqAMl88whIhqoeetZmirKblO8A2g86_ds" } } Figure 4: Issuer Protected header (es256) The JWP Protected Header JSON is serialized (without the above whitespace added for readability) and uses UTF-8 encoding to convert into an octet string. This gives: eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXNzdWVyL mV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUiLCJnaXZlbl 9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJvb2ZfandrIjp 7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLCJ4IjoiYUdkMWRTWGk2bUJfQ3F6Nl9ITkFo NWM5VU5US3gzd1RBUFJVaTFyc1VhbyIsInkiOiJoNHhGRnBZQ1JoWFZ2SWJmRHNHTW9qN kV4ZlotWEVqb21HS3ZMN2d1ZWRzIiwiZCI6InVzT3kxaFNtRUxPM0pFRmtIX2hpd3dTUV lrQlZyQUVILWstT2R0X1NwTEUifSwicHJlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyI sImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZ2VHBrRjlVSHI4NTl6UmdtNG5yTUlxRldha0FHZWJM cFdQTkxNYXI4a2ciLCJ5IjoiOWEyQmFEdFNWRnE2VXYwWERkLXhaRjZJRXBZN1JTbENmd WdiNFVnLVI5SSIsImQiOiJ0SjBxLUhVWGczdnFBTWw4OHdoSWhxb2VldFptaXJLYmxPOE EyZzg2X2RzIn19 Figure 5: Encoded Issuer Protected Header (es256, base64url-encoded) Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 25] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 The Single Use algorithm utilizes multiple individual JWS Signatures. Each signature value is generated by creating a JWS with a single Protected Header with the associated alg value. In this example, the fixed header used for each JWS is the serialized JSON Object {"alg":"ES256"}. This protected header will be used to generate a signature over each corresponding payload in the JWP. The corresponding octet value in the proof is the octet string (base64url-decoded) value of the signature. The final proof value from the Issuer is an array with the octets of the header signature, followed by entries for each payload signature. The resulting JSON serialized JPT using the above examples is: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 26] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "issuer": "eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBz Oi8vaXNzdWVyLmV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaW x5X25hbWUiLCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292 ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJvb2ZfandrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLC J4IjoiYUdkMWRTWGk2bUJfQ3F6Nl9ITkFoNWM5VU5US3gzd1RBUFJVaTFyc1Vh byIsInkiOiJoNHhGRnBZQ1JoWFZ2SWJmRHNHTW9qNkV4ZlotWEVqb21HS3ZMN2 d1ZWRzIiwiZCI6InVzT3kxaFNtRUxPM0pFRmtIX2hpd3dTUVlrQlZyQUVILWst T2R0X1NwTEUifSwicHJlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydi I6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZ2VHBrRjlVSHI4NTl6UmdtNG5yTUlxRldha0FHZWJM cFdQTkxNYXI4a2ciLCJ5IjoiOWEyQmFEdFNWRnE2VXYwWERkLXhaRjZJRXBZN1 JTbENmdWdiNFVnLVI5SSIsImQiOiJ0SjBxLUhVWGczdnFBTWw4OHdoSWhxb2Vl dFptaXJLYmxPOEEyZzg2X2RzIn19", "payloads": [ "MTcxNDUyMTYwMA", "MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ", "IkRvZSI", "IkpheSI", "ImpheWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI", "eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxu VVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIiwibG9jYWxpdH kiOiJBbnl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTIzNDUs ImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ", "dHJ1ZQ" ], "proof": [ "SK_wssa2lkn_Z-REwbz7UmmjXxcOWeS1VDmMjpbqrat8C-K6NBoxF2_5-lSve6Fl Po2cy1IcchZG06nMVjMgOg", "p3RavjegyjJj2fMtyjH5wD9vlmckjn_kEtoiEzBX8qSoMaQs0GT9DlHbyfXV8hIA D6RGgHMcd0FJG0JMKoqGDg", "ooB3cjqjMk8qlre3JNejKj6WRLAVXi-7LejYSYN6R8YVeT-kfTwIWRR4mzwnmRH8 cWemLZ2nJIsf0G9dKg5pWA", "Iyv83mZMFfuvW8BmUCWDEWz1pILmqOGwLmOGo1LqagSFEJ6zmwQg_opsCdYrf1GF xxuoL2SfjIJoWjCR4LyrlQ", "u8WRRtq1mpZZ0LMFg3kDknq7u0Ku_1BNXETRFuHOmi4s556u80A_HOZxaCZGZz01 2Es9k5_lH7dGLzuWIou9Hg", "JSiIulMojNDZe6PyafXM6SsZ0a2phF1zpUyVcrwJGBcA479Xyg8eDsqpdQuoMBNu vJjY5frBKNKwEMdyXw4Kkg", "1rG80X66dxHRxiaZ_nj8Wb7S9Pc0APtDlwxM1av7GFcINkl2MlcbfhgF_943kAma PC5xzp_2MDLQyBVBEmBpkQ", "-JSNd5L8S58OOz-zZYSwMuYVBiM1Q0mNOL54hDIn-Vv-R2u-XPzyLlBnC3a_SLtF Z-5KgrChFP1_T21fGnjj7Q" ] } Figure 6: Issued JWP in JSON Serialization (es256) The compact serialization of the same JPT is: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 27] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXNzdWVyL mV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUiLCJnaXZlbl 9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJvb2ZfandrIjp 7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLCJ4IjoiYUdkMWRTWGk2bUJfQ3F6Nl9ITkFo NWM5VU5US3gzd1RBUFJVaTFyc1VhbyIsInkiOiJoNHhGRnBZQ1JoWFZ2SWJmRHNHTW9qN kV4ZlotWEVqb21HS3ZMN2d1ZWRzIiwiZCI6InVzT3kxaFNtRUxPM0pFRmtIX2hpd3dTUV lrQlZyQUVILWstT2R0X1NwTEUifSwicHJlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyI sImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZ2VHBrRjlVSHI4NTl6UmdtNG5yTUlxRldha0FHZWJM cFdQTkxNYXI4a2ciLCJ5IjoiOWEyQmFEdFNWRnE2VXYwWERkLXhaRjZJRXBZN1JTbENmd WdiNFVnLVI5SSIsImQiOiJ0SjBxLUhVWGczdnFBTWw4OHdoSWhxb2VldFptaXJLYmxPOE EyZzg2X2RzIn19.MTcxNDUyMTYwMA~MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ~IkRvZSI~IkpheSI~ImpheWRv ZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI~eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b3duL CBDQSAxMjM0NVxuVVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIiwibG 9jYWxpdHkiOiJBbnl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTIzNDU sImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ~dHJ1ZQ.SK_wssa2lkn_Z-REwbz7UmmjXxcOWeS1VDmMjp bqrat8C-K6NBoxF2_5-lSve6FlPo2cy1IcchZG06nMVjMgOg~p3RavjegyjJj2fMtyjH5 wD9vlmckjn_kEtoiEzBX8qSoMaQs0GT9DlHbyfXV8hIAD6RGgHMcd0FJG0JMKoqGDg~oo B3cjqjMk8qlre3JNejKj6WRLAVXi-7LejYSYN6R8YVeT-kfTwIWRR4mzwnmRH8cWemLZ2 nJIsf0G9dKg5pWA~Iyv83mZMFfuvW8BmUCWDEWz1pILmqOGwLmOGo1LqagSFEJ6zmwQg_ opsCdYrf1GFxxuoL2SfjIJoWjCR4LyrlQ~u8WRRtq1mpZZ0LMFg3kDknq7u0Ku_1BNXET RFuHOmi4s556u80A_HOZxaCZGZz012Es9k5_lH7dGLzuWIou9Hg~JSiIulMojNDZe6Pya fXM6SsZ0a2phF1zpUyVcrwJGBcA479Xyg8eDsqpdQuoMBNuvJjY5frBKNKwEMdyXw4Kkg ~1rG80X66dxHRxiaZ_nj8Wb7S9Pc0APtDlwxM1av7GFcINkl2MlcbfhgF_943kAmaPC5x zp_2MDLQyBVBEmBpkQ~-JSNd5L8S58OOz-zZYSwMuYVBiM1Q0mNOL54hDIn-Vv-R2u-XP zyLlBnC3a_SLtFZ-5KgrChFP1_T21fGnjj7Q Figure 7: Issued JWP in Compact Serialization (es256) To present this JPT, we first use the following presentation header with a nonce (provided by the Verifier): { "alg": "SU-ES256", "aud": "", "nonce": "L2tyoeEOWFDCrqYhb9p8vPSeCo1C7amhhjcL3iXzCpE" } Figure 8: Presentation Header This header is serialized without whitespace and UTF-8 encoded into an octet string. This gives: eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVjaXBpZW50LmV4YW1wbGUuY 29tIiwibm9uY2UiOiJMMnR5b2VFT1dGRENycVloYjlwOHZQU2VDbzFDN2FtaGhqY0wzaV h6Q3BFIn0 Figure 9: Presentation Header (base64url-encoded) Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 28] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 When signed with the holder's presentation key, the resulting signature are: VTpKK6874tDxjHh0Fctz78Y7W381ZTfpCDTZGm-4OJm0jDPgIgjA9kZW50xG4TWT6yNA4 KrtGD6aY_SzIAlhWw | Figure: Holder Proof-of-Possession (base64url-encoded) Then by applying selective disclosure of only the given name and age claims (family name and email hidden), we get the following presented JPT: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 29] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "presentation": "eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVjaX BpZW50LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwibm9uY2UiOiJMMnR5b2VFT1dGRENycVloYjlw OHZQU2VDbzFDN2FtaGhqY0wzaVh6Q3BFIn0", "issuer": "eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBz Oi8vaXNzdWVyLmV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaW x5X25hbWUiLCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292 ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJvb2ZfandrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLC J4IjoiYUdkMWRTWGk2bUJfQ3F6Nl9ITkFoNWM5VU5US3gzd1RBUFJVaTFyc1Vh byIsInkiOiJoNHhGRnBZQ1JoWFZ2SWJmRHNHTW9qNkV4ZlotWEVqb21HS3ZMN2 d1ZWRzIiwiZCI6InVzT3kxaFNtRUxPM0pFRmtIX2hpd3dTUVlrQlZyQUVILWst T2R0X1NwTEUifSwicHJlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydi I6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZ2VHBrRjlVSHI4NTl6UmdtNG5yTUlxRldha0FHZWJM cFdQTkxNYXI4a2ciLCJ5IjoiOWEyQmFEdFNWRnE2VXYwWERkLXhaRjZJRXBZN1 JTbENmdWdiNFVnLVI5SSIsImQiOiJ0SjBxLUhVWGczdnFBTWw4OHdoSWhxb2Vl dFptaXJLYmxPOEEyZzg2X2RzIn19", "payloads": [ "MTcxNDUyMTYwMA", "MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ", "IkRvZSI", "IkpheSI", "ImpheWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI", "eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxu VVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIiwibG9jYWxpdH kiOiJBbnl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTIzNDUs ImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ", "dHJ1ZQ", null, null ], "proof": [ "SK_wssa2lkn_Z-REwbz7UmmjXxcOWeS1VDmMjpbqrat8C-K6NBoxF2_5-lSve6Fl Po2cy1IcchZG06nMVjMgOg", "VTpKK6874tDxjHh0Fctz78Y7W381ZTfpCDTZGm-4OJm0jDPgIgjA9kZW50xG4TWT 6yNA4KrtGD6aY_SzIAlhWw", "p3RavjegyjJj2fMtyjH5wD9vlmckjn_kEtoiEzBX8qSoMaQs0GT9DlHbyfXV8hIA D6RGgHMcd0FJG0JMKoqGDg", "ooB3cjqjMk8qlre3JNejKj6WRLAVXi-7LejYSYN6R8YVeT-kfTwIWRR4mzwnmRH8 cWemLZ2nJIsf0G9dKg5pWA", "Iyv83mZMFfuvW8BmUCWDEWz1pILmqOGwLmOGo1LqagSFEJ6zmwQg_opsCdYrf1GF xxuoL2SfjIJoWjCR4LyrlQ", "u8WRRtq1mpZZ0LMFg3kDknq7u0Ku_1BNXETRFuHOmi4s556u80A_HOZxaCZGZz01 2Es9k5_lH7dGLzuWIou9Hg", "JSiIulMojNDZe6PyafXM6SsZ0a2phF1zpUyVcrwJGBcA479Xyg8eDsqpdQuoMBNu vJjY5frBKNKwEMdyXw4Kkg" ] } Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 30] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 | Figure: Final Presentation in JSON Serialization And also in compact serialization: eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVjaXBpZW50LmV4YW1wbGUuY 29tIiwibm9uY2UiOiJMMnR5b2VFT1dGRENycVloYjlwOHZQU2VDbzFDN2FtaGhqY0wzaV h6Q3BFIn0.eyJhbGciOiJTVS1FUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8 vaXNzdWVyLmV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUi LCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJvb 2ZfandrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwiY3J2IjoiUC0yNTYiLCJ4IjoiYUdkMWRTWGk2bUJfQ3 F6Nl9ITkFoNWM5VU5US3gzd1RBUFJVaTFyc1VhbyIsInkiOiJoNHhGRnBZQ1JoWFZ2SWJ mRHNHTW9qNkV4ZlotWEVqb21HS3ZMN2d1ZWRzIiwiZCI6InVzT3kxaFNtRUxPM0pFRmtI X2hpd3dTUVlrQlZyQUVILWstT2R0X1NwTEUifSwicHJlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrd HkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZ2VHBrRjlVSHI4NTl6UmdtNG5yTUlxRl dha0FHZWJMcFdQTkxNYXI4a2ciLCJ5IjoiOWEyQmFEdFNWRnE2VXYwWERkLXhaRjZJRXB ZN1JTbENmdWdiNFVnLVI5SSIsImQiOiJ0SjBxLUhVWGczdnFBTWw4OHdoSWhxb2VldFpt aXJLYmxPOEEyZzg2X2RzIn19.MTcxNDUyMTYwMA~MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ~IkRvZSI~IkpheS I~ImpheWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI~eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5 Bbnl0b3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxuVVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4g U3QuIiwibG9jYWxpdHkiOiJBbnl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZ SI6MTIzNDUsImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ~dHJ1ZQ~~.SK_wssa2lkn_Z-REwbz7UmmjXx cOWeS1VDmMjpbqrat8C-K6NBoxF2_5-lSve6FlPo2cy1IcchZG06nMVjMgOg~VTpKK687 4tDxjHh0Fctz78Y7W381ZTfpCDTZGm-4OJm0jDPgIgjA9kZW50xG4TWT6yNA4KrtGD6aY _SzIAlhWw~p3RavjegyjJj2fMtyjH5wD9vlmckjn_kEtoiEzBX8qSoMaQs0GT9DlHbyfX V8hIAD6RGgHMcd0FJG0JMKoqGDg~ooB3cjqjMk8qlre3JNejKj6WRLAVXi-7LejYSYN6R 8YVeT-kfTwIWRR4mzwnmRH8cWemLZ2nJIsf0G9dKg5pWA~Iyv83mZMFfuvW8BmUCWDEWz 1pILmqOGwLmOGo1LqagSFEJ6zmwQg_opsCdYrf1GFxxuoL2SfjIJoWjCR4LyrlQ~u8WRR tq1mpZZ0LMFg3kDknq7u0Ku_1BNXETRFuHOmi4s556u80A_HOZxaCZGZz012Es9k5_lH7 dGLzuWIou9Hg~JSiIulMojNDZe6PyafXM6SsZ0a2phF1zpUyVcrwJGBcA479Xyg8eDsqp dQuoMBNuvJjY5frBKNKwEMdyXw4Kkg | Figure: Final Presentation in Compact Serialization A.2. Example BBS JWP The following example uses the BBS algorithm. This is the Issuer's stable private key in the JWK format: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 31] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "kty": "EC2", "alg": "BBS", "use": "proof", "crv": "BLS12381G2", "x": "CECKDnX-c9txhRgShOnu_J_AgKoojYLqVOR-C3Q2nAVBZch3gJXziEBWKO-5_ OIjDJPXBkMcJ2fdjwi0kGsMPWFq8yj7WLLloGficURuCOM_pN9JqeMRBotnZqx yuiWI", "y": "A8sT1OtpMnv44Hssya34Gzo6ecDk1RrqMxW_hvOGTBuabDesqdMoR9VkAnD1i eiYE-ui8Le_oRi1VfBQpa0e9NAONl2RAibY31HZK2pUysV3wY-bDBbAhYX9QgC rOkkG", "d": "Ig7CXWBEz-vtGrTdkeZIeY_O5Edrqtl57t30X2WrtU4" } Figure 10: BBS private key in JWK format There is no additional holder key necessary for presentation proofs. For the following protected header and array of payloads: { "kid": "HjfcpyjuZQ-O8Ye2hQnNbT9RbbnrobptdnExR0DUjU8", "alg": "BBS" } Figure 11: Example issuer protected header [ 1714521600, 1717199999, "Doe", "Jay", "", { "formatted": "1234 Main St.\nAnytown, CA 12345\nUSA", "street_address": "1234 Main St.", "locality": "Anytown", "region": "CA", "postal_code": 12345, "country": "USA" }, true ] Figure 12: Example issuer payloads (as members of a JSON array) These components are signed using the private issuer key previously given, which is then representable in the following serializations: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 32] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "issuer": "eyJraWQiOiJIamZjcHlqdVpRLU84WWUyaFFuTmJUOVJiYm5yb2JwdGRu RXhSMERValU4IiwiYWxnIjoiQkJTIn0", "payloads": [ "MTcxNDUyMTYwMA", "MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ", "IkRvZSI", "IkpheSI", "ImpheWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI", "eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxu VVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIiwibG9jYWxpdH kiOiJBbnl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTIzNDUs ImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ", "dHJ1ZQ" ], "proof": [ "hBsfx9atkAHZauiOOw5ehtMCj648gHlWhTrvH6uMkupWSMaOo5iNWIg8Dhs9Fy-Y XneH9C0suEwP3E5CNNKYMoPOeCn3wsDh7Cnv6QexSPs" ] } Figure 13: Issued JWP (JSON serialization) eyJraWQiOiJIamZjcHlqdVpRLU84WWUyaFFuTmJUOVJiYm5yb2JwdGRuRXhSMERValU4I iwiYWxnIjoiQkJTIn0.MTcxNDUyMTYwMA~MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ~IkRvZSI~IkpheSI~Imph eWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI~eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b 3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxuVVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIi wibG9jYWxpdHkiOiJBbnl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTI zNDUsImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ~dHJ1ZQ.hBsfx9atkAHZauiOOw5ehtMCj648gHlWhT rvH6uMkupWSMaOo5iNWIg8Dhs9Fy-YXneH9C0suEwP3E5CNNKYMoPOeCn3wsDh7Cnv6Qe xSPs Figure 14: Issued JWP (compact serialization) For a presentation with the following presentation header: { "alg": "BBS-PROOF", "aud": "", "nonce": "wrmBRkKtXjQ" } Figure 15: Holder Presentation Header The holder decides to share all information other than the email address, and generates a proof. That proof is represented in the following serializations: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 33] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "presentation": "eyJhbGciOiJCQlMtUFJPT0YiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL3JlY2 lwaWVudC5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsIm5vbmNlIjoid3JtQlJrS3RYalEifQ", "issuer": "eyJraWQiOiJIamZjcHlqdVpRLU84WWUyaFFuTmJUOVJiYm5yb2JwdGRu RXhSMERValU4IiwiYWxnIjoiQkJTIn0", "payloads": [ "MTcxNDUyMTYwMA", "MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ", "IkRvZSI", "IkpheSI", null, null, null ], "proof": [ "ipVsyiG6U84X0DG8mpfe32Pt7WmW6JEMmWGlm-M8x--rapj0OOIBu2NjrsznGG2G oEZ_da6vjDhcEJy9MGu1udIk8zfQ_-ZgFLmYffMmXBkrSF4f1JsGlWYf281XBV 3ys9pYiPKg_GF_yldcigqQ3O5yX4MhOi7CxeadnQ-HqqDK_NwchTStzHchzFzz aOoCS7Psaan3fjFXZDePm_2ZVThd63En1h8aLO8hpxg1XChVDmc0zbL3zlYks1 F5po4bSk9a96hsOL2QaPBcdVWOZQ2ENkYeMYf_XUKdGDuEL6OUeSErP5N0g6g4 zc2XXI_3ULw3Pp0l-WgdXZHcw7tXFYlIHheENErCYohMBGpIew8HfYdtwKsoNy z4gdw7GEpp0CfvtzWqfODz8LhriEQbqCY_0jh6YA1tSlQejkMP_vL1QEV7sAIQ nlKua1exJeq1LneeNoi3r1fXflNevWfGZqJjmAwe-hX14g7xkcBj50I" ] } Figure 16: Presentation JWP (JSON serialization) eyJhbGciOiJCQlMtUFJPT0YiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL3JlY2lwaWVudC5leGFtcGxlL mNvbSIsIm5vbmNlIjoid3JtQlJrS3RYalEifQ.eyJraWQiOiJIamZjcHlqdVpRLU84WWU yaFFuTmJUOVJiYm5yb2JwdGRuRXhSMERValU4IiwiYWxnIjoiQkJTIn0.MTcxNDUyMTYw MA~MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ~IkRvZSI~IkpheSI~~~.ipVsyiG6U84X0DG8mpfe32Pt7WmW6JEM mWGlm-M8x--rapj0OOIBu2NjrsznGG2GoEZ_da6vjDhcEJy9MGu1udIk8zfQ_-ZgFLmYf fMmXBkrSF4f1JsGlWYf281XBV3ys9pYiPKg_GF_yldcigqQ3O5yX4MhOi7CxeadnQ-Hqq DK_NwchTStzHchzFzzaOoCS7Psaan3fjFXZDePm_2ZVThd63En1h8aLO8hpxg1XChVDmc 0zbL3zlYks1F5po4bSk9a96hsOL2QaPBcdVWOZQ2ENkYeMYf_XUKdGDuEL6OUeSErP5N0 g6g4zc2XXI_3ULw3Pp0l-WgdXZHcw7tXFYlIHheENErCYohMBGpIew8HfYdtwKsoNyz4g dw7GEpp0CfvtzWqfODz8LhriEQbqCY_0jh6YA1tSlQejkMP_vL1QEV7sAIQnlKua1exJe q1LneeNoi3r1fXflNevWfGZqJjmAwe-hX14g7xkcBj50I Figure 17: Presentation JWP (compact serialization) A.3. Example MAC JWP The following example uses the MAC-H256 algorithm. This is the Issuer's stable private key in the JWK format: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 34] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "HYkf2wibTcxmXoxcovcpvzYPck0Mjr6NzA4Zw-lx7_w", "y": "V_Khe98r7vT-xrKs-FjAvF0ZwXQNwK8I4HezU4ezfno", "d": "FlbT2yD2fYY_JDPbM07QY_Cf1wP2vk4WJNq25Wmh6og" } Figure 18: Issuer private key This is the Issuer's ephemerally generated shared secret: "B021nwCs7_Q52rPNUfrmyuPenTCr8rQDZ457PwIEUT0" Figure 19: Shared Secret This is the Holder's presentation private key in the JWK format: { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "x": "6vTpkF9UHr859zRgm4nrMIqFWakAGebLpWPNLMar8kg", "y": "9a2BaDtSVFq6Uv0XDd-xZF6IEpY7RSlCfugb4Ug-R9I", "d": "tJ0q-HUXg3vqAMl88whIhqoeetZmirKblO8A2g86_ds" } Figure 20: Holder private key For the following protected header and array of payloads: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 35] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "alg": "MAC-H256", "typ": "JPT", "iss": "https://issuer.example", "claims": [ "iat", "exp", "family_name", "given_name", "email", "address", "age_over_21" ], "presentation_jwk": { "kty": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "use": "sign", "x": "6vTpkF9UHr859zRgm4nrMIqFWakAGebLpWPNLMar8kg", "y": "9a2BaDtSVFq6Uv0XDd-xZF6IEpY7RSlCfugb4Ug-R9I" } } Figure 21: Example issuer protected header [ 1714521600, 1717199999, "Doe", "Jay", "", { "formatted": "1234 Main St.\nAnytown, CA 12345\nUSA", "street_address": "1234 Main St.", "locality": "Anytown", "region": "CA", "postal_code": 12345, "country": "USA" }, true ] Figure 22: Example issuer payloads (as members of a JSON array) The first MAC is generated using the key issuer_header and a value of the issuer protected header as a UTF-8 encoded octet string. This results in the following MAC: DC9ddAq9kkQ-wX8SwLPYV-4Eu7ccmuOuETD2e7aJggw Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 36] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 Figure 23: Issuer MAC of protected header (base64url-encoded) The issuer generates an array of derived keys with one for each payload by using the shared secret as the key, and the index of the payload (as payload_{n} in UTF-8 encoded octets) as the input in a HMAC operation. This results in the following set of derived keys: [ "MHHLnG19YnHGTRFOvNe32JIf0ftqmvPHWnDYXblqsfg", "S_IT9iWv33AcJhF_hN9WwoXL66UxW9GFJN2d_Rp154k", "KQbuxZXQOU0CzYp_wav2hZn9LTXUpx_2gPaynYn0gVg", "hxlv-bEHW6v_iSGMrpC7AIewxMfiNjH9LQpy584G7Zc", "2iPVSck71soDTV7OijjEogRoAZAh8rcRqjCVDZB4BoY", "6qaDiQif_-cxbqVo1RByv3zKGImC3EPpd_LW3Gara00", "TMws5c6YmG-GZk2lKvxA06mK6y9RT3iduo8RDXQ82BQ" ] Figure 24: Derived payload keys (base64url-encoded) A MAC is generated for each payload using the corresponding derived payload key. This results in the following set of MAC values: [ "cGwM166s2HhDtVh-ih2hGpKT-dEoyomCMPx7PsND9Hg", "tdvsYLe6m2PrFRwQfT0rjLVuFNO8bPMIY5IH6oQlV6U", "cWloMcqbpkfzYw6lpy5IaA-DI6WucKnLZ8T0SHJzkKA", "tVQwqJ8MDjOAr0dN4NWNfH5K4DRvqvF7iRWUGf6mMRA", "jSz7uN32ijGFdl6VxcxeYddEHTeD3n6CNeCutyIgSMk", "TEGM2z2cOvgjDq09b1HMONgkrPHqigYBAQ1TF-grOiE", "zEf8s6vG0DD86GMRV7yUInddVROqlwQOdM4k5Q-H6_s" ] Figure 25: Payload MAC values (base64url-encoded) The issuer protected header MAC and the payload MAC octet strings are concatenated into a single value known as the combined MAC representation. This representation is signed with the issuer's private key. The proof consists of two octet string values: the signature over the combined MAC representation, and the shared secret. [ "vUrK1281L1UXRx2UU28MwPf2o46FzDIOwTREHqtO-Y91XMohHt2nnz8-31gdVtPxoT XmEYJwj1oIfxffNMXZ4A", "MtNAbbiyaT56WMPGjYEPBd8Xj0UAjtmdx_THrcWqJf8" ] Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 37] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 Figure 26: Issued Proof (base64url-encoded) The final issued JWP in JSON serialization is: { "issuer": "eyJhbGciOiJNQUMtSDI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBz Oi8vaXNzdWVyLmV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hb WUiLCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicH Jlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwidXNlIjoic2l nbiIsIngiOiI2dlRwa0Y5VUhyODU5elJnbTRuck1JcUZXYWtBR2ViTHBXUE5MTWFyOGtn IiwieSI6IjlhMkJhRHRTVkZxNlV2MFhEZC14WkY2SUVwWTdSU2xDZnVnYjRVZy1SOUkif X0", "payloads": [ "MTcxNDUyMTYwMA", "MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ", "IkRvZSI", "IkpheSI", "ImpheWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI", "eyJmb3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxu VVNBIiwic3RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIiwibG9jYWxpdHkiOiJBb nl0b3duIiwicmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTIzNDUsImNvdW50cnkiOi JVU0EifQ", "dHJ1ZQ" ], "proof": [ "vUrK1281L1UXRx2UU28MwPf2o46FzDIOwTREHqtO-Y91XMohHt2nnz8-31gdVtPx oTXmEYJwj1oIfxffNMXZ4A", "MtNAbbiyaT56WMPGjYEPBd8Xj0UAjtmdx_THrcWqJf8" ] } Figure 27: Issued JWP (in JSON serialization) The same JWP in compact serialization: eyJhbGciOiJNQUMtSDI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaXNzdWVyL mV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUiLCJnaXZlbl 9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJlc2VudGF0aW9 uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwidXNlIjoic2lnbiIsIngiOiI2 dlRwa0Y5VUhyODU5elJnbTRuck1JcUZXYWtBR2ViTHBXUE5MTWFyOGtnIiwieSI6IjlhM kJhRHRTVkZxNlV2MFhEZC14WkY2SUVwWTdSU2xDZnVnYjRVZy1SOUkifX0.MTcxNDUyMT YwMA~MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ~IkRvZSI~IkpheSI~ImpheWRvZUBleGFtcGxlLm9yZyI~eyJmb 3JtYXR0ZWQiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuXG5Bbnl0b3duLCBDQSAxMjM0NVxuVVNBIiwic3 RyZWV0X2FkZHJlc3MiOiIxMjM0IE1haW4gU3QuIiwibG9jYWxpdHkiOiJBbnl0b3duIiw icmVnaW9uIjoiQ0EiLCJwb3N0YWxfY29kZSI6MTIzNDUsImNvdW50cnkiOiJVU0EifQ~d HJ1ZQ.vUrK1281L1UXRx2UU28MwPf2o46FzDIOwTREHqtO-Y91XMohHt2nnz8-31gdVtP xoTXmEYJwj1oIfxffNMXZ4A~MtNAbbiyaT56WMPGjYEPBd8Xj0UAjtmdx_THrcWqJf8 Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 38] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 Figure 28: Issued JWP (in compact serialization) Next, we show the presentation of the JWP with selective disclosure. For presentation with the following presentation protected header: { "alg": "MAC-H256", "aud": "", "nonce": "L2tyoeEOWFDCrqYhb9p8vPSeCo1C7amhhjcL3iXzCpE" } Figure 29: Presentation Protected Header The holder will take the issuer proof (including shared secret) and derive the same individual payload MAC values (above). In this case, the holder has decided not to disclose the last three claims provided by the issuer (corresponding to email, address, and age_over_21) For the disclosed payloads, the holder will provide the corresponding derived key. For the non-disclosed payloads, the holder will provide the corresponding MAC value. The final presented proof value is an array of octet strings. The contents are presentation header signature, followed by the issuer signature, then the value disclosed by the holder for each payload. This results in the following proof: [ "REDgBPpi8YlPznlZ2MvpuBBXHTeoiKYzi1CYcmQ70Bci7eP9cnHO5wlXxFw-ZRmhNz nXvnhL33wqge6gQU2-7g", "vUrK1281L1UXRx2UU28MwPf2o46FzDIOwTREHqtO-Y91XMohHt2nnz8-31gdVtPxoT XmEYJwj1oIfxffNMXZ4A", "MHHLnG19YnHGTRFOvNe32JIf0ftqmvPHWnDYXblqsfg", "S_IT9iWv33AcJhF_hN9WwoXL66UxW9GFJN2d_Rp154k", "KQbuxZXQOU0CzYp_wav2hZn9LTXUpx_2gPaynYn0gVg", "hxlv-bEHW6v_iSGMrpC7AIewxMfiNjH9LQpy584G7Zc", "jSz7uN32ijGFdl6VxcxeYddEHTeD3n6CNeCutyIgSMk", "TEGM2z2cOvgjDq09b1HMONgkrPHqigYBAQ1TF-grOiE", "zEf8s6vG0DD86GMRV7yUInddVROqlwQOdM4k5Q-H6_s" ] Figure 30: Presentation proof (base64url-encoded) The final presented JWP in JSON serialization is: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 39] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 { "presentation": "eyJhbGciOiJNQUMtSDI1NiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVjaX BpZW50LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwibm9uY2UiOiJMMnR5b2VFT1dGRENycVloYjlwOHZQU2V DbzFDN2FtaGhqY0wzaVh6Q3BFIn0", "issuer": "eyJhbGciOiJNQUMtSDI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBz Oi8vaXNzdWVyLmV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hb WUiLCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicH Jlc2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwidXNlIjoic2l nbiIsIngiOiI2dlRwa0Y5VUhyODU5elJnbTRuck1JcUZXYWtBR2ViTHBXUE5MTWFyOGtn IiwieSI6IjlhMkJhRHRTVkZxNlV2MFhEZC14WkY2SUVwWTdSU2xDZnVnYjRVZy1SOUkif X0", "payloads": [ "MTcxNDUyMTYwMA", "MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ", "IkRvZSI", "IkpheSI", null, null, null ], "proof": [ "REDgBPpi8YlPznlZ2MvpuBBXHTeoiKYzi1CYcmQ70Bci7eP9cnHO5wlXxFw-ZRmh NznXvnhL33wqge6gQU2-7g", "vUrK1281L1UXRx2UU28MwPf2o46FzDIOwTREHqtO-Y91XMohHt2nnz8-31gdVtPx oTXmEYJwj1oIfxffNMXZ4A", "MHHLnG19YnHGTRFOvNe32JIf0ftqmvPHWnDYXblqsfg", "S_IT9iWv33AcJhF_hN9WwoXL66UxW9GFJN2d_Rp154k", "KQbuxZXQOU0CzYp_wav2hZn9LTXUpx_2gPaynYn0gVg", "hxlv-bEHW6v_iSGMrpC7AIewxMfiNjH9LQpy584G7Zc", "jSz7uN32ijGFdl6VxcxeYddEHTeD3n6CNeCutyIgSMk", "TEGM2z2cOvgjDq09b1HMONgkrPHqigYBAQ1TF-grOiE", "zEf8s6vG0DD86GMRV7yUInddVROqlwQOdM4k5Q-H6_s" ] } Figure 31: Presented JWP (in JSON serialization) The same JWP in compact serialization: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 40] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 eyJhbGciOiJNQUMtSDI1NiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVjaXBpZW50LmV4YW1wbGUuY 29tIiwibm9uY2UiOiJMMnR5b2VFT1dGRENycVloYjlwOHZQU2VDbzFDN2FtaGhqY0wzaV h6Q3BFIn0.eyJhbGciOiJNQUMtSDI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpQVCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8 vaXNzdWVyLmV4YW1wbGUiLCJjbGFpbXMiOlsiaWF0IiwiZXhwIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUi LCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJhZGRyZXNzIiwiYWdlX292ZXJfMjEiXSwicHJlc 2VudGF0aW9uX2p3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwidXNlIjoic2lnbi IsIngiOiI2dlRwa0Y5VUhyODU5elJnbTRuck1JcUZXYWtBR2ViTHBXUE5MTWFyOGtnIiw ieSI6IjlhMkJhRHRTVkZxNlV2MFhEZC14WkY2SUVwWTdSU2xDZnVnYjRVZy1SOUkifX0. MTcxNDUyMTYwMA~MTcxNzE5OTk5OQ~IkRvZSI~IkpheSI~~~.REDgBPpi8YlPznlZ2Mvp uBBXHTeoiKYzi1CYcmQ70Bci7eP9cnHO5wlXxFw-ZRmhNznXvnhL33wqge6gQU2-7g~vU rK1281L1UXRx2UU28MwPf2o46FzDIOwTREHqtO-Y91XMohHt2nnz8-31gdVtPxoTXmEYJ wj1oIfxffNMXZ4A~MHHLnG19YnHGTRFOvNe32JIf0ftqmvPHWnDYXblqsfg~S_IT9iWv3 3AcJhF_hN9WwoXL66UxW9GFJN2d_Rp154k~KQbuxZXQOU0CzYp_wav2hZn9LTXUpx_2gP aynYn0gVg~hxlv-bEHW6v_iSGMrpC7AIewxMfiNjH9LQpy584G7Zc~jSz7uN32ijGFdl6 VxcxeYddEHTeD3n6CNeCutyIgSMk~TEGM2z2cOvgjDq09b1HMONgkrPHqigYBAQ1TF-gr OiE~zEf8s6vG0DD86GMRV7yUInddVROqlwQOdM4k5Q-H6_s Figure 32: Presented JWP (in compact serialization) Appendix B. Acknowledgements This work was incubated in the DIF Applied Cryptography Working Group ( We would like to thank Alberto Solavagione for his valuable contributions to this specification. The BBS examples were generated using the library at ( . Appendix C. Document History [[ To be removed from the final specification ]] -06 * Update reference to new repository home * Fixed #77: Removed vestigial use of presentation_header. * Correct pjwk to presentation_jwk -05 * Update of appendix describing MAC-H256 to now also be generated by the build system from a common set of code and templates. * Update single use algorithm to use an array of octet values rather than requiring splitting an octet buffer into parts during generation of a presentation and during verification. Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 41] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Update BBS algorithm description and examples to clarify the proof is an array with a single octet string. * Update MAC algorithm to use an array of octet values for the proof, rather than requiring splitting an octet buffer into parts. * Add new section on the Combined MAC Representation to clarify operations are serving to recreate this octet string value. * Correct reference to the latest BBS draft. * SU and MAC families now use raw JWA rather than JWS and synthesized headers * Change algorithms to not use base64url-encoding internally. Algorithms are meant to operate on octets, while base64url- encoding is used to represent those octets in JSON and compact serializations. -04 * Refactoring figures and examples to be built from a common set across all three documents * Move single-use example appendix from JWP to JPA * Change algorithm from BBS-DRAFT-5 to BBS, and from BBS-PROOF- DRAFT-5 to BBS-PROOF * Update BBS ciphersuite ID to BBS_BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_ * Update to draft 5 BLS key representations -03 * Improvements resulting from a full proofreading. * Populated IANA Considerations section. * Updated to use BBS draft -05. * Updated examples. -02 * Add new BBS-DRAFT-3 and BBS-PROOF-DRAFT-3 algorithms based on draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures-03. * Remove prior BBS-X algorithm based on a particular implementation of earlier drafts. -01 * Correct cross-references within group * Describe issuer_header and presentation_header * Update BBS references to CFRG drafts * Rework reference to HMAC ( RFC2104 ) * Remove ZKSnark placeholder -00 Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 42] Internet-Draft json-proof-algorithms September 2024 * Created initial working group draft based on draft-jmiller-jose- json-proof-algorithms-01 Authors' Addresses Jeremie Miller Ping Identity Email: Michael B. Jones Self-Issued Consulting Email: URI: David Waite Ping Identity Email: Miller, et al. Expires 20 March 2025 [Page 43]