- phpki - Phpki is a simple certificate management suite
- randpw - a random password generator
- roundcubemail_plugins - IMAP Client, roundcube installed in /opt/roundcube
- smeserver-awstats - SME Server intergration rpm for awstats
- smeserver-bandwidthd - bandwidthd is a helpdesk system
- smeserver-certificate - allow to manage your ssl certificates
- smeserver-dansguardian - Set up dansguardian to filter www content.
- smeserver-ddclient - ddclient panel for SME Server
- smeserver-dhcp-dns - contrib to update dynamically the dns data
- smeserver-dhcpmanager - provide a dhcp panel in the server-manager for The SME Server
- smeserver-domains - SMEserver rpm for domain pseudonyms
- smeserver-email-management - modify and monitor maildelivery for all users
- smeserver-git - Centralised Git repositories with setup and configuration through SME Server admin panels.
- smeserver-gitweb - GitWeb is a web based Git repository viewer on SME Server
- smeserver-gitweb-theme - GitHub inspired look and feel for smeserver-gitweb
- smeserver-madsonic - madsonic is a helpdesk system
- smeserver-mailsorting - Lets users configure procmail or maildrop rules.
- smeserver-motd - Adjust the login motd display
- smeserver-roundcube - smserver rpm to setup roundcube, an IMAP mail client
- smeserver-sane - Set up sane for scanner.
- smeserver-service_control - SME Server service control Panel
- smeserver-userpanel - Provide a user panel to let users to change delegated server settings.
- smeserver-userpanels - Panels to let users to change server settings.
- smeserver-vacation - SME Server enhancement to enable vacation messages for users.
- smeserver-webhosting - allow to change php/apache settings to ibays, only yet for sme9
- smeserver-wordpress - smserver rpm to setup mysql database and web link for wordpress weblog
- smeserver-xinetd - Set up xinetd for services.
- smeserver-zarafa-unix - smserver rpm to setup zarafa with unix plugin