Network Working Group R. Chen Internet-Draft ZTE Corporation Intended status: Standards Track ChunHua. G. Expires: 27 December 2024 Rui. J. YunFang. L. ZTE 25 June 2024 Filter of Configuration Change Notifications draft-chen-netconf-yang-push-notif-filter-00 Abstract This document extends the YANG-Push notification subscription mechanism for on-change to reduce unnecessary reporting after an on- change YANG-Push notification is generated. Requirements Language The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 December 2024. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 1] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Extend the On-change Update-trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. The "ietf-yang-push-noti-filter" Module . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1. Data Model Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2. YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.1. IETF XML Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2. YANG Module Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1. Introduction According to the YANG PUSH protocol, once the subscriber subscribes to notifications of data store changes, the NETCONF server will report notifications according to the push-change-update notification format defined in the YANG PUSH protocol ([RFC8641]) as soon as changes in the data store are detected. Even if the change is caused by this subscriber, the notification will be reported. The subscriber MAY not want to receive the notificaton.To filter out push-change-update notifications originating from this subscriber, a subscription method that supports filter local push-change-update notifications based on the subscription rules needs to be provided. This allows for filter of on-change YANG-Push notifications according to the subscription rules. This specification applies to the YANG push dynamic Subscriptions defined in Section 2.4 of [RFC8639]. As defined in Section 2.4 of [RFC8639], the subscriber can create a dynamic subscription using establish-subscription, and change an existing dynamic subscription using modify-subscription. Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 2] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 As described in Section 3.5.2 of [RFC8641], if the update-trigger is set to on-change, the NETCONF server will report notifications according to the push-change-update notification format defined in the YANG PUSH protocol ([RFC8641]) as soon as changes in the data store are detected.However, if these changes are caused by the subscriber itself, the subscriber already holds these changes and does not need to receive additional Yang-Push notifications from the publisher. This document extends the current on-change YANG-Push notification subscription mechanism to reduce unnecessary reports after on-change YANG-Push notifications are generated. 2. Extend the On-change Update-trigger The YANG notifications subscription OPTIONALLY can be restricted to the following YANG module augment excluded-self-change: Used to restrict a push-change-update notification that triggered by the subscriber self if need report to subscriber. When a NETCONF client uses the RPC establish-subscription to create a subscription, if you want to filter out data store change notifications caused by the RPC operations of this client, you can specify excluded-self-change as enable. When a NETCONF client uses the RPC modify-subscription to modify the subscription, if you want to change it to filter out, specify excluded-self-change as enable; if you want to change it to not filter out, specify excluded-self-change as disable. Figure 1 provides an example of a "establish-subscription" RPC call with excluded-self-change and datastore-xpath-filter for on-change subscription. Figure 2shows the response when the RPC has been accepted by the NETCONF server. Figure 3 provides an example of a "modify-subscription" RPC call with excluded-self-change for on- change subscription. Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 3] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 xmlns:ypf="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-push-noti-filter"> ds:running /ex:foo enable Figure 1: RPC Example for an establish-subscription 1011 Figure 2: RPC Example for establish-subscription response 1011 disable Figure 3: RPC Example for an modify-subscription Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 4] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 3. The "ietf-yang-push-noti-filter" Module 3.1. Data Model Overview This YANG module extends the "ietf-yang-push" module and the "ietf- subscribed-notifications" module by defining "excluded-self-change" in the "establish-subscription" and "modify-subscription" RPCs for data store push subscription 3.1.1. Tree View The following is the YANG tree diagram [RFC8340] for the ietf-yang- push-noti-filter YANG module module: ietf-yang-push-noti-filter augment /sn:establish-subscription/sn:input/yp:update-trigger/yp:on-change: +-- excluded-self-change? enumeration augment /sn:modify-subscription/sn:input/yp:update-trigger/yp:on-change: +-- excluded-self-change? enumeration 3.1.2. Full Tree View The following is the YANG tree diagram [RFC8340] for the the ietf- yang-push-noti-filter augmentation within the ietf-subscribed- notifications, including the RPCs and notifications. module: ietf-subscribed-notifications +--ro streams | +--ro stream* [name] | +--ro name string | +--ro description? string | +--ro replay-support? empty {replay}? | +--ro replay-log-creation-time yang:date-and-time {replay}? | +--ro replay-log-aged-time? yang:date-and-time {replay}? +--rw filters | +--rw stream-filter* [name] | | +--rw name string | | +--rw (filter-spec)? | | +--:(stream-subtree-filter) | | | +--rw stream-subtree-filter? {subtree}? | | +--:(stream-xpath-filter) | | +--rw stream-xpath-filter? yang:xpath1.0 {xpath}? | +--rw yp:selection-filter* [filter-id] | +--rw yp:filter-id string | +--rw (yp:filter-spec)? | +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter) | | +--rw yp:datastore-subtree-filter? | | {sn:subtree}? Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 5] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 | +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter) | +--rw yp:datastore-xpath-filter? yang:xpath1.0 | {sn:xpath}? +--rw subscriptions +--rw subscription* [id] +--rw id | subscription-id +--rw (target) | +--:(stream) | | +--rw (stream-filter)? | | | +--:(by-reference) | | | | +--rw stream-filter-name | | | | stream-filter-ref | | | +--:(within-subscription) | | | +--rw (filter-spec)? | | | +--:(stream-subtree-filter) | | | | +--rw stream-subtree-filter? | | | | {subtree}? | | | +--:(stream-xpath-filter) | | | +--rw stream-xpath-filter? | | | yang:xpath1.0 {xpath}? | | +--rw stream | | | stream-ref | | +--ro replay-start-time? | | | yang:date-and-time {replay}? | | +--rw configured-replay? empty | | {configured,replay}? | +--:(yp:datastore) | +--rw yp:datastore | | identityref | +--rw (yp:selection-filter)? | +--:(yp:by-reference) | | +--rw yp:selection-filter-ref | | selection-filter-ref | +--:(yp:within-subscription) | +--rw (yp:filter-spec)? | +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter) | | +--rw yp:datastore-subtree-filter? | | {sn:subtree}? | +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter) | +--rw yp:datastore-xpath-filter? | yang:xpath1.0 {sn:xpath}? +--rw stop-time? | yang:date-and-time +--rw dscp? | inet:dscp {dscp}? +--rw weighting? uint8 | {qos}? Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 6] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 +--rw dependency? | subscription-id {qos}? +--rw transport? | transport {configured}? +--rw encoding? | encoding +--rw purpose? string | {configured}? +--rw (notification-message-origin)? {configured}? | +--:(interface-originated) | | +--rw source-interface? | | if:interface-ref {interface-designation}? | +--:(address-originated) | +--rw source-vrf? | | -> /ni:network-instances/network-instance/name | | {supports-vrf}? | +--rw source-address? | inet:ip-address-no-zone +--ro configured-subscription-state? | enumeration {configured}? +--rw receivers | +--rw receiver* [name] | +--rw name string | +--ro sent-event-records? | | yang:zero-based-counter64 | +--ro excluded-event-records? | | yang:zero-based-counter64 | +--ro state enumeration | +---x reset {configured}? | +--ro output | +--ro time yang:date-and-time +--rw (yp:update-trigger)? +--:(yp:periodic) | +--rw yp:periodic! | +--rw yp:period centiseconds | +--rw yp:anchor-time? yang:date-and-time +--:(yp:on-change) {on-change}? +--rw yp:on-change! +--rw yp:dampening-period? centiseconds +--rw yp:sync-on-start? boolean +--rw yp:excluded-change* change-type rpcs: +---x establish-subscription | +---w input | | +---w (target) | | | +--:(stream) | | | | +---w (stream-filter)? Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 7] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 | | | | | +--:(by-reference) | | | | | | +---w stream-filter-name | | | | | | stream-filter-ref | | | | | +--:(within-subscription) | | | | | +---w (filter-spec)? | | | | | +--:(stream-subtree-filter) | | | | | | +---w stream-subtree-filter? | | | | | | {subtree}? | | | | | +--:(stream-xpath-filter) | | | | | +---w stream-xpath-filter? | | | | | yang:xpath1.0 {xpath}? | | | | +---w stream | | | | | stream-ref | | | | +---w replay-start-time? | | | | yang:date-and-time {replay}? | | | +--:(yp:datastore) | | | +---w yp:datastore | | | | identityref | | | +---w (yp:selection-filter)? | | | +--:(yp:by-reference) | | | | +---w yp:selection-filter-ref | | | | selection-filter-ref | | | +--:(yp:within-subscription) | | | +---w (yp:filter-spec)? | | | +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter) | | | | +---w yp:datastore-subtree-filter? | | | | {sn:subtree}? | | | +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter) | | | +---w yp:datastore-xpath-filter? | | | yang:xpath1.0 {sn:xpath}? | | +---w stop-time? | | | yang:date-and-time | | +---w dscp? | | | inet:dscp {dscp}? | | +---w weighting? uint8 | | | {qos}? | | +---w dependency? | | | subscription-id {qos}? | | +---w encoding? | | | encoding | | +---w (yp:update-trigger)? | | +--:(yp:periodic) | | | +---w yp:periodic! | | | +---w yp:period centiseconds | | | +---w yp:anchor-time? yang:date-and-time | | +--:(yp:on-change) {on-change}? | | +---w yp:on-change! | | +---w yp:dampening-period? centiseconds Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 8] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 | | +---w yp:sync-on-start? boolean | | +---w yp:excluded-change* change-type | | +---w ypf:excluded-self-change* enumeration | +--ro output | +--ro id subscription-id | +--ro replay-start-time-revision? yang:date-and-time | {replay}? +---x modify-subscription | +---w input | +---w id | | subscription-id | +---w (target) | | +--:(stream) | | | +---w (stream-filter)? | | | +--:(by-reference) | | | | +---w stream-filter-name | | | | stream-filter-ref | | | +--:(within-subscription) | | | +---w (filter-spec)? | | | +--:(stream-subtree-filter) | | | | +---w stream-subtree-filter? | | | | {subtree}? | | | +--:(stream-xpath-filter) | | | +---w stream-xpath-filter? | | | yang:xpath1.0 {xpath}? | | +--:(yp:datastore) | | +---w yp:datastore | | | identityref | | +---w (yp:selection-filter)? | | +--:(yp:by-reference) | | | +---w yp:selection-filter-ref | | | selection-filter-ref | | +--:(yp:within-subscription) | | +---w (yp:filter-spec)? | | +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter) | | | +---w yp:datastore-subtree-filter? | | | {sn:subtree}? | | +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter) | | +---w yp:datastore-xpath-filter? | | yang:xpath1.0 {sn:xpath}? | +---w stop-time? | | yang:date-and-time | +---w (yp:update-trigger)? | +--:(yp:periodic) | | +---w yp:periodic! | | +---w yp:period centiseconds | | +---w yp:anchor-time? yang:date-and-time | +--:(yp:on-change) {on-change}? Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 9] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 | +---w yp:on-change! | +---w yp:dampening-period? centiseconds | +---w ypf:excluded-self-change* enumeration +---x delete-subscription | +---w input | +---w id subscription-id +---x kill-subscription +---w input +---w id subscription-id notifications: +---n replay-completed {replay}? | +--ro id subscription-id +---n subscription-completed {configured}? | +--ro id subscription-id +---n subscription-modified | +--ro id | | subscription-id | +--ro (target) | | +--:(stream) | | | +--ro (stream-filter)? | | | | +--:(by-reference) | | | | | +--ro stream-filter-name | | | | | stream-filter-ref | | | | +--:(within-subscription) | | | | +--ro (filter-spec)? | | | | +--:(stream-subtree-filter) | | | | | +--ro stream-subtree-filter? | | | | | {subtree}? | | | | +--:(stream-xpath-filter) | | | | +--ro stream-xpath-filter? | | | | yang:xpath1.0 {xpath}? | | | +--ro stream | | | | stream-ref | | | +--ro replay-start-time? | | | yang:date-and-time {replay}? | | +--:(yp:datastore) | | +--ro yp:datastore | | | identityref | | +--ro (yp:selection-filter)? | | +--:(yp:by-reference) | | | +--ro yp:selection-filter-ref | | | selection-filter-ref | | +--:(yp:within-subscription) | | +--ro (yp:filter-spec)? | | +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter) | | | +--ro yp:datastore-subtree-filter? | | | {sn:subtree}? Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 10] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 | | +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter) | | +--ro yp:datastore-xpath-filter? | | yang:xpath1.0 {sn:xpath}? | +--ro stop-time? | | yang:date-and-time | +--ro dscp? | | inet:dscp {dscp}? | +--ro weighting? uint8 | | {qos}? | +--ro dependency? | | subscription-id {qos}? | +--ro transport? | | transport {configured}? | +--ro encoding? encoding | +--ro purpose? string | | {configured}? | +--ro (yp:update-trigger)? | +--:(yp:periodic) | | +--ro yp:periodic! | | +--ro yp:period centiseconds | | +--ro yp:anchor-time? yang:date-and-time | +--:(yp:on-change) {on-change}? | +--ro yp:on-change! | +--ro yp:dampening-period? centiseconds | +--ro yp:sync-on-start? boolean | +--ro yp:excluded-change* change-type +---n subscription-resumed | +--ro id subscription-id +---n subscription-started {configured}? | +--ro id | | subscription-id | +--ro (target) | | +--:(stream) | | | +--ro (stream-filter)? | | | | +--:(by-reference) | | | | | +--ro stream-filter-name | | | | | stream-filter-ref | | | | +--:(within-subscription) | | | | +--ro (filter-spec)? | | | | +--:(stream-subtree-filter) | | | | | +--ro stream-subtree-filter? | | | | | {subtree}? | | | | +--:(stream-xpath-filter) | | | | +--ro stream-xpath-filter? | | | | yang:xpath1.0 {xpath}? | | | +--ro stream | | | | stream-ref | | | +--ro replay-start-time? Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 11] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 | | | | yang:date-and-time {replay}? | | | +--ro replay-previous-event-time? | | | yang:date-and-time {replay}? | | +--:(yp:datastore) | | +--ro yp:datastore | | | identityref | | +--ro (yp:selection-filter)? | | +--:(yp:by-reference) | | | +--ro yp:selection-filter-ref | | | selection-filter-ref | | +--:(yp:within-subscription) | | +--ro (yp:filter-spec)? | | +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter) | | | +--ro yp:datastore-subtree-filter? | | | {sn:subtree}? | | +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter) | | +--ro yp:datastore-xpath-filter? | | yang:xpath1.0 {sn:xpath}? | +--ro stop-time? | | yang:date-and-time | +--ro dscp? | | inet:dscp {dscp}? | +--ro weighting? uint8 | | {qos}? | +--ro dependency? | | subscription-id {qos}? | +--ro transport? | | transport {configured}? | +--ro encoding? encoding | +--ro purpose? string | | {configured}? | +--ro (yp:update-trigger)? | +--:(yp:periodic) | | +--ro yp:periodic! | | +--ro yp:period centiseconds | | +--ro yp:anchor-time? yang:date-and-time | +--:(yp:on-change) {on-change}? | +--ro yp:on-change! | +--ro yp:dampening-period? centiseconds | +--ro yp:sync-on-start? boolean | +--ro yp:excluded-change* change-type +---n subscription-suspended | +--ro id subscription-id | +--ro reason identityref +---n subscription-terminated +--ro id subscription-id +--ro reason identityref Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 12] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 3.2. YANG Module The YANG module has two leaves augmenting the model of Subscription to YANG Notifications [RFC8639] and Subscription to YANG Notifications for Datastore Updates [RFC8641]. file "ietf-yang-push-noti-filter@2024-05-31.yang" module ietf-yang-push-noti-filter { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-push-noti-filter"; prefix ypf; import ietf-subscribed-notifications { prefix sn; } import ietf-yang-push { prefix yp; revision-date 2019-09-09; } organization "IETF NETCONF(Network Configuration) Working Group"; contact "ZTE Corporation Nanjing Institute of ZTE Corporation No.68 Zijinghua Rd. Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, China Tel: +86-25-52870000"; description "This module augments the YANG push subscription RPCs. Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents( This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see the RFC itself for full legal notices."; revision 2024-05-31 { description "First revision"; reference "RFC XXXX: Filter of Configuration Change Notifications Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 13] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 Subscription"; } augment "/sn:establish-subscription/sn:input/yp:update-trigger/" + "yp:on-change/yp:on-change" { leaf excluded-self-change { type enumeration { enum enable { description "Enable excluded-self-change."; } enum disable { description "Disable excluded-self-change."; } } description "Used to restrict a push-change-update notification that triggered by the subscriber self if need report to subscriber."; } description "This augmentation adds additional subscription parameters to the establish-subscription RPC."; } augment "/sn:modify-subscription/sn:input/yp:update-trigger/" + "yp:on-change/yp:on-change" { leaf excluded-self-change { type enumeration { enum enable { description "Enable excluded-self-change."; } enum disable { description "Disable excluded-self-change."; } } description "Used to restrict a push-change-update notification that triggered by the subscriber self if need report to subscriber."; } description "This augmentation adds additional subscription parameters to the modify-subscription RPC."; Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 14] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 } } 4. IANA Considerations 4.1. IETF XML Registry This document registers the following URIs in the "IETF XML Registry" [RFC3688]: URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-push-noti-filter Registrant Contact: The IESG. XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace. 4.2. YANG Module Name This document registers the following YANG modules in the "YANG Module Names" registry [RFC6020]: name: ietf-yang-push-noti-filter namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-push-noti-filter prefix: ypf reference: RFC-to-be 5. Security Considerations The security considerations for the YANG notifications subscription mechanism are described in [RFC8641]. This documents adds no additional security considerations. 6. References 6.1. Normative References [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC3688] Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688, DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004, . [RFC6020] Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020, DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, October 2010, . Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 15] Internet-Draft YANG Notifications Filtering June 2024 [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . [RFC8639] Voit, E., Clemm, A., Gonzalez Prieto, A., Nilsen-Nygaard, E., and A. Tripathy, "Subscription to YANG Notifications", RFC 8639, DOI 10.17487/RFC8639, September 2019, . [RFC8641] Clemm, A. and E. Voit, "Subscription to YANG Notifications for Datastore Updates", RFC 8641, DOI 10.17487/RFC8641, September 2019, . 6.2. Informative References [RFC8340] Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams", BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, March 2018, . Authors' Addresses Ran Chen ZTE Corporation Nanjing China Email: Gu ChunHua ZTE Nanjing China Email: Jia Rui ZTE Nanjing China Email: Li YunFang ZTE Nanjing China Email: Chen, et al. Expires 27 December 2024 [Page 16]