Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- schroedinger - Portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec
- smeserver-BackupPC - BackupPC integration into SME server
- smeserver-adv-samba - SME Server specific advanced Samba configuration files and templates
- smeserver-affa - A rsync-based backup program for linux, adapted to sme server 8
- smeserver-ajaxterm - ajaxterm is a web-based terminal
- smeserver-arpwatch - Arpwatch is a tool that monitors ethernet activity
- smeserver-automysqlbackup - automysqlbackup is a script to backup your msql database on sme8
- smeserver-awstats - SME Server intergration rpm for awstats
- smeserver-bandwidthd - bandwidthd is a helpdesk system
- smeserver-bridge-interface - Configure a bridge interface
- smeserver-certificate - allow to manage your ssl certificates
- smeserver-check4updates - smeserver - check updates of external repositories
- smeserver-coova-chilli - Coova-Chilli, a captive portal based on ChilliSpot configured for SME server
- smeserver-crontab_manager - sme server crontab maanger
- smeserver-dansguardian - Set up dansguardian to filter www content.
- smeserver-ddclient - ddclient panel for SME Server
- smeserver-denyhosts - smeserver-denyhosts
- smeserver-dhcp-dns - contrib to update dynamically the dns data
- smeserver-dhcpmanager - provide a dhcp panel in the server-manager for The SME Server
- smeserver-dimp - SME Server specific Dimp configuration and templates.
- smeserver-diskusage - Disk usage panel for the SME Server
- smeserver-domains - SMEserver rpm for domain pseudonyms
- smeserver-dovecot-extras - Additional features for dovecot on SME Server
- smeserver-durep - DUREP - Graphic Report for Disk Usage
- smeserver-email-management - modify and monitor maildelivery for all users
- smeserver-ezmlm-web - SME Server support for ezmlm-web
- smeserver-fetchmail - sme module to generate fetchmail poll
- smeserver-freepbx - Asterisk web GUI
- smeserver-geoip - SME Server geoip plugin
- smeserver-git - Centralised Git repositories with setup and configuration through SME Server admin panels.
- smeserver-gitweb - GitWeb is a web based Git repository viewer on SME Server
- smeserver-gitweb-theme - GitHub inspired look and feel for smeserver-gitweb
- smeserver-groupmembers-panel - stripped groups panel. only members can added and removed
- smeserver-hwinfo - Harware info panel for SME Server.
- smeserver-isoqlog - Isoqlog on SME
- smeserver-jeta - SME Server specific Jeta configuration and templates.
- smeserver-kronolith - SME Server specific Kronolith configuration and templates.
- smeserver-lazy_admin_tools - Lazy Admin's Tools is a set of scripts to automate admin tasks
- smeserver-learn - SME Server Mails Learning script
- smeserver-madsonic - madsonic is a helpdesk system
- smeserver-mailman - Mailman configuration for SME server.
- smeserver-mailsorting - Lets users configure procmail or maildrop rules.
- smeserver-mailstats - Daily mail statistics for SME Server
- smeserver-mnemo - SME Server specific Mnemo configuration and templates.
- smeserver-mod_dav - SME Server mod_dav implementation
- smeserver-mod_deflate - SME server mod_deflate activation
- smeserver-mod_python - SME Server mod_python implementation
- smeserver-motd - Adjust the login motd display
- smeserver-nfs - smeserver - configure nfs server
- smeserver-ocsinventory - Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation (SME Server integration)
- smeserver-openvpn-bridge - OpenVPN, a strong VPN solution build over SSL, pre-configured for bridge mode
- smeserver-openvpn-s2s - OpenVPN, a strong VPN solution built over SSL, for site to site tunnels
- smeserver-password - SME Server password panel
- smeserver-php-scl - SME server php REMI scl
- smeserver-phpki - php integration into SME server
- smeserver-phpldapadmin - PhpLdapAdmin for SME server
- smeserver-phpmyadmin - phpMyAdmin for SME Server
- smeserver-phpwebftp - Web FTP access via HTTPS for SME.
- smeserver-print-monitor - SME Server print monitor
- smeserver-qmHandle - adds a panel for managing the Qmail queues using qmHandle
- smeserver-remoteuseraccess - Smeserver module to configure Shell and FTP access for individual users
- smeserver-rkhunter - rkhunter for SME Server
- smeserver-roundcube - smserver rpm to setup roundcube, an IMAP mail client
- smeserver-sane - Set up sane for scanner.
- smeserver-service_control - SME Server service control Panel
- smeserver-shared-folders - sme server shared folders module
- smeserver-smbstatus - SME server smbstatus
- smeserver-sme9admin - A graphical monitor, alert raising, and services supervision tool for your SME Server.
- smeserver-subversion - Subversion for SME Server
- smeserver-sysmon - sme server system monitor
- smeserver-tftp-server - Wrapper for tftp-server for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP).
- smeserver-thinclient - Allow pxeboot of Thin Client workstations over network
- smeserver-tw-logonscript - TechnologyWise Windows/Linux logon script for Samba
- smeserver-updates - Update system panel for SMEserver ç
- smeserver-userpanel - Provide a user panel to let users to change delegated server settings.
- smeserver-userpanels - Panels to let users to change server settings.
- smeserver-vacation - SME Server enhancement to enable vacation messages for users.
- smeserver-wbl - E-mail white/black lists for SME Server
- smeserver-webhosting - allow to change php/apache settings to ibays, only yet for sme9
- smeserver-wordpress - smserver rpm to setup mysql database and web link for wordpress weblog
- smeserver-xinetd - Set up xinetd for services.
- smeserver-zarafa-unix - smserver rpm to setup zarafa with unix plugin
- spandsp - A DSP library for telephony